Chapter 18

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Hannah's POV

My heart was beating fast. I couldn't believe he just said that to me.

"There I said it. You happy now? You're gonna die if you stay here, and I can't see that happen," he said.

"I-I....I still don't see why I have to. A-are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm sure."

"But why?"

"I don't know why, but I know you will. That's what Liam does, he kills people because of the sickness."

"Is this how I'm going to pay him back in the long run? By dying!? Or is this just something extra, for the fun of it?"

"I'm not sure babe. I think there's something else he wants you to do, know. It never ends well with him."

"Well then, I guess we should get me and Mal out of here as soon as possible."

"Yeah, umm, about that. I...can't help her."

I froze, "what?"

"Sorry babe, but she won't listen to me, and she doesn't remember you."

"Then remind her who I am!"

"Harry compelled her to forget you, so Harry has to be the one to un-compel her, besides its to Risky helping the both of you. I can only help you."

I shook my head, "no I won't leave here without her, she's my best friend. If she stays she might die."

"Well then I guess you have to choose, because she won't listen to me. I'm only capable of helping you, so are you gonna stay, or go?"

I had to think about it, I actually had to think about it. I know Malory is here for a reason. What could Liam want with her? I couldn't just leave her here though, I had to protect her. "Make up your mind babe," Niall said.

"Wait. I have an idea. If I could somehow get to Malory for you, then will you help me get the both of us out of here? maybe she will listen to me, if I trick her," I said. Niall looked at me for a moment, then smirked. "I'll think about it babe. But like I said its risky."

"I know it is, but I have an idea. Ill get her, all you have to do is guid us out."

Niall thought for a moment, "alright. But if you get caught, it's on you."

I nodded in excitement. I finally get to leave! I was so excited I leaned in and hugged Niall. His face turned bright red, as he hugged back. "thank you Niall" I said.

I pulled away and looked into his eyes. They were blue again. He smiled at me, "hey babe, just be careful ok. I don't want anything to happen to you."

I smiled, "thank you, I will." He smirked, then leaned in and kissed my cheek. I was shocked for a moment, then blushed. " you, like me?"

I felt weird about asking that, but Niall didn't seem to mind answering.

He laughed, "hell yeah I like you, you're sweet, except when you stab people. Aha." I laughed, then I grabbed him, and planted a kiss on his lips. His face turned bright red again. I didn't really like Niall like that, but he's so sweet, it's hard not to have a thing for him. "Thank you for caring about me," I said. He nodded, "you're welcome babe." I blushed, then looked away from him. It's time to get started on the escape plan. I just hope I won't get caught.....


A/N ok hope u like the book so far. Gonna get started on the next chapter right now! The big escape...

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