Chapter 29

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Louis' POV

Ergg I'm so pissed! I know she didn't run off, one of the boys took her. Obviously not Liam, or Niall cause he can't. Harry wasn't lying when he said he didn't, so that only leaves one person, Zayn. I swear as soon as I find him I'm gonna kill him. I don't care what it takes, I will. He should learn not to mess with the one I love.

Aside from Liam, because he's a hybrid, I'm the strongest one in the house. Not only am I the oldest anyway, but I was turned before the other boys, even Liam. But of course Liam was a werewolf before, so that gave him a little strength over me. We were all turned awhile ago, by my ex girlfriend. After she turned me she turned them, but she had some trouble with Liam considering he's a werewolf, not a human. She finally found a way to turn him and everything was great for awhile. Then something went terribly wrong and Liam got sick. At first we all thought he got sick because he is both vampire and werewolf. Later we found out there are tons of hybrids all over, and that had nothing to do with it. We still haven't discovered how he got sick, and he still is.

Anyway, as I was saying I'm so pissed. I bet Hannah is with him. As a matter of fact Zayn is probably in his room right now, and I'm gonna go talk to him.

I started to walk towards the door way when I smelt Hannah's scent down the hall. I stopped and smelt the air around me. She was running to me. I smiled because she was coming to me this time. I waited and stood in the centre of the room near a couch and a coffee table. I could hear her shout my name, "Louis!"

She sounded worried and scared to death. I walked closer to the door, "Hannah?!"

"Louis!" She shouted again. This time I walked out the door way and into the hall. Then I saw her a few feet in front of me, "Louis!"

She ran up to me immediately and without question, she hugged me. I moved back a little, but quickly wrapped my arms around her.

Hannah's POV

I ran faster and faster with every step. I ran down the stairs like a stampede. I honestly don't care at this point if anyone hears me. I ran through the living room right behind the couch Niall was laying on. "Hey Niall...bye Niall!" I shouted as I ran past him. He constantly look back to see who yelled but I was already in the next room. "Damn you house!" He said to himself.

I kept running and shouted Louis'  name, "Louis!" He didn't respond right away, so I yelled again. "Louis!"

"Hannah!" He yelled back. That made me run faster down the hall. "Louis!" I turned a corner pacing as fast as I could. Louis ran out of the den and stood at the end of the hall waiting for me. As soon as I saw him I ran with all my might and hugged him. He was safe.

I was out of breath. His arms were wrapped around me and he kept me from collapsing. I closed my eyes and breathed in and out, calming my breathing. He played with the ends of my hair, swirling it around his fingers. He started to breath normal again too. I scared him when I was running. "Louis" I managed to get out. "Babe, I was so worried," he whispered to me.

My breathing calmed down, "Louis you're ok."

"Why wouldn't I be ok?" He asked. He grabbed my arms and looked me in the eye.

"Harry, h-he is p-planing something." My voice was getting shakey, and I held back tears.

"What is he planning?" Louis asked.

I shook my head, "I-I don't know exactly. He has vervain, and he said you don't trust him so I'm guessing he's going to vervain you and try something. I-I'm just happy you're ok." I started to cry a little.

Louis' eyes got wide, "babe it's ok, I'm fine." He wrapped his arms around me again, and gave me a big hug,"Thanks for warning me."

I slowly stopped my tears and hugged him back. I leaned my head on his shoulder, "you're welcome." He rubbed my back to make me feel better. Then he kissed my head and moved me so I was facing him. "How about we go upstairs now," he said. I nodded, and he wiped my remaining tears with his thumbs.

He grabbed my wrist and guided me to the stairs. We went down the hallway to my room instead of his. My cheeks were still rosy red.

When we got to my room, I stubbed my toe on the dresser, "oh shit!" I started to bounce on one leg holding my foot. Louis grabbed me and held me up so I wouldn't fall. "Here let me see it" he said. He helped me walk over to my bed and I sat down. My toe was bleeding.

Louis grabbed a tissue from the night stand, "here allow me." He dabbed the blood off my toe, but the wound was deep so I didn't really help. "You stubbed it good," he said. It really hurt, and every time he dabbed my toe it stung. "Ow Louis that hurts," I told him. He moved the tissue away and threw it in the can. "Babe I'll be right back," he said. He got up and went to the bathroom connected to my bedroom. When he came back he was carrying a wet rag and a paper towel. He sat back down, "here allow me." He helped clean the wound, and dabbed It with the paper towel. He could've just put a band aid on it, but I don't think he has any, considering he would never have to use them. Once he moved the paper towel, the cut was completely gone. He smirked at me. "Louis what did you do?" I asked in surprise.

He shrugged and his smirk turned into a smile. "I just helped you."

"But how?" My curiosity got the best of me. "It's a secret," he said. He smiled, and I smiled back in amazement. "Thank you," I said. I put my foot back on the ground, then leaned in and hugged him. Of course he hugged back right away.

Then he pulled away, and held both my arms gently. We stared into each others eyes. Then we got close, and he kissed me. My arms wrapped around his neck, and he held my waist. He deepened the kiss. I ran my fingers through his soft hair.

It was a perfect moment, until someone knocked on my door. We broke the kiss, and then Louis asked, "who is it?"

"It's Liam," the voice responded. "Come in," Louis said. Then Liam stepped inside my room in front of us. "Hey is everything ok? I smelt someone bleeding," Liam said.

"Yeah I stubbed my toe, but I'm ok now," I told him. He nodded, "oh ok good."

Liam looked over at Louis and gave him a funny look. Louis shook his head and mouthed the words 'not now'. Then Liam mouthed the words 'yes now' back to him. I gave them both confused looks.

Louis sighed at Liam, then turned to me, "ok, well we have something to tell you."

"What?" I asked.

"While we were talking, we agreed it would be safest if you come with me to a safe house, at least until Fright nights over."

"Oh, I guess that's ok."

Liam gave Louis another funny look. "And um, I guess.....Zayn and Niall will be coming," Louis mumbled in a 'whatever' tone.

I honestly didn't care at this point because at least I'll still be alive. "Ok Louis." He smiled, "great, we will leave in the morning," he said. The morning was kinda soon, but whatever. Their vampires, so getting a safe house isn't the hardest thing to do.

"Alright then, have a good night," Liam said, and he left the room. Louis was happy I agreed on the idea. Like I really had a choice. But honestly the idea was pretty good for the most part.

"Get a good night sleep, babe," Louis said. He got up and was about to leave, when I stopped him. "Louis, you can stay if you want." I looked down awkwardly.

He turned to me and smirked, "are you sure?" He was trying to be a gentlemen, but I could tell he was having a difficult time. Besides, I don't really care if he stays. "Yeah it's fine."

I got under my covers and left a spot open next to me. Louis crawled in. "You're not going to escape in the middle of the night again, are you?" He asked jokingly. I giggled, "no I won't."

"Good," he responded, and laid his head on a pillow. He turned and switched the light on my night stand to off, then he turned back to me. "Good night," he whispered, and I whispered it back "good night."

Tomorrow was a big day. That only leaves 12 days until fright night. Let the count down begin......


A/N ok, sorry it took so long to update. The next chapter should be up today or tomorrow. I'm aiming towards today. Hope u like it:)x comment/fan/vote

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