Chapter 32

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this chapter includes mature content, reader discretion is advised.


-10 days-

Liam's POV

*hums spoon song* "da dah dadah dadadadadada dahhh"

I was walking down the hallway to the kitchen when I heard strange noises coming from Harry's room. It was kinda creeping me out. I havent seen Harry in a few days. I told Louis I would talk to him, but im not so sure now is a good time, or maybe it is. Harry started to yell, "cmon move your ass man!" This didn't sound good.

I backed away from the door for a moment and chuckled. Then I decided to knock. "umm Harry?"

"Come in Liam!" he yelled back. I opened the door and walked in, bracing myself for what im about to see....if I see anything. I didn't actually think it would be bad, but I was wrong. this is one weird kid.

I stood frozen, staring at Harry who was standing up. He was playing zelda on the Xbox....while he was naked. Harry has never been very shy when it comes to his dick. Me on the other hand....well lets just say I have more to show.

"ummm," I began......."oh hey Liam!" Hary said. He paused the game and put the controller down. "what's up?"

"not my eyes, that's for sure," I said. Harry looked where I was looking, then began to laugh. "oh sorry.." he gave me a cheeky smile.

I faced my palm and sighed.. "Harry cover your junk!" I giggled when I said that. he grabbed a pillow and covered it. "soo um whatcha need?" he asked.

"I meant underwear..but um, whatever. Anyway, I need to talk to you," I said.

"what is it?" he asked while throwing the pillow down and pulling up his boxers. "sit down, this could take awhile," I said. Harry gave me a confused look, and awkwardly sat down on his bed. I sat next to him. "so Harold-"

"don't call me that," he said, interrupting me. "Ok then. Umm anyway, HARRY...what do you think about Hannah?" I asked.

"She's nice. Wait why do you care?" he questioned me. I shrugged, "I don't, I'm just curious. Cant a guy be curious?"

Harry gave me a weird look. "Liam, what did Louis tell you?"

"He didn't tell me anything. It just seems like you and Hannah don't get along well," I said.

"Well she did stab me," he said. I nodded, "are you still mad about that?"

"Well, no not really. But then again what kind of human lives with vampires and doesn't see them kill someone atleast once?" he asked.

"Actually, not many. Also I think she is just not used to it Harry."

"Yeah I've heard it all before. Besides, it's done and over with." Harry looked towards the ground. He was upset. "Harry whats wrong?" I asked. I patted his back. "Nothing, I'm fine," he said. I shook my head, "no you're not, talk to me."

Harry sat up and looked at me. "Why should I?" he asked. "Because im the only one here," I responded. Well it was true. Everyone left because of Harry's actions, and I'm the only one that stayed. Besides Malory, who I still need to take home. Shes passed out still, haha.

Harry looked dead into my eyes and spoke, "I--" He was interrupted by my cell phone. I grabbed it out of my pocket, and without checking who was calling, I declined. "Sorry, go on" I said. Harry was only able to open his mouth before my phone rang again. "Shit!" I blurted out. "You gonna answer it?" Harry asked. I shook my head and looked at the caller ID, "no its just Niall." I declined again, but right away Niall called again."Dammit!"

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