Chapter 43

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Hannah's POV

It's taking a little bit to get there. It's not a super long drive but it's about and hour or two away. The whole drive there I rested my head, but not all on Niall. At first I nuzzled my head in Niall's neck. He wrapped his arm around me to make me more comfortable. Occasionally I looked over at Harry, who was trying not to pay any attention to me. Secretly, I think he was paying attention to me.

When we were about over half way there, I looked up at Niall. He looked at me, then at Harry. He knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to turn over because one side of my neck was starting to hurt. Niall helped me sit up. I looked at Harry and this time he looked back at me. I slowly began resting my head on his shoulder. Nuzzling my head in his neck. He wrapped his arm around me just as Niall did before. I closed my eyes. Harry's emerald green eyes began to sparkle down upon me. His cheeky smirk did the same. Honestly at this point it seems like everyone in the world is in love with me. Or at least, everyone in the car is.

Harry twirled my hair in his fingers. He was enjoying this moment while it lasted, but before he knew it the car came to a stop. "We're here!" Louis shouted. I slowly sat up rubbing my eyes. Louis didn't even notice me leaning on Harry. Good thing.

Harry got out of the car, and I got out the same door after him. I stretched my arms over my head. It felt like forever since I've been here. It was surprisingly very cold outside. It's October, but its not usually this cold. My jacket wasn't thick enough. Zayn saw me rubbing my arms. "You cold?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah, it's because every time there's a fright night, the temperature always drops for some reason," he said. "But it's not fright night," I said. He nodded, "not yet."

Well that's one way to freak me out. I don't even think Zayn tries, he just does it. But at the same time I don't think he wanted me to be freaked out in the first place.

Anyway, Niall was eager to get inside. He walked right in before us. Harry and Zayn followed him. Louis and I were the last to go in. I held Louis' hand. When we got inside I looked at my surroundings. Everything I've seen before is now new to me all over again. My grip got tighter on Louis' hand. I was kinda nervous to see Liam.

Niall, Zayn, Harry, Louis and I all just stood there in the entrance hallway. The boys kinda looked around to see if Liam was anywhere. We all heard footsteps coming from upstairs. I looked up, and sure enough Liam was walking down the hall. He looked over the balcony and waved to us. "Hey guys!" He said. Niall, Harry, Zayn and Louis all said hello to him. I waved to him. He waved back to me. I think I was the first one he noticed. "When I heard Louis was bringing Hannah over, I didn't realise that meant all of you come too. You guys must really miss me," Liam said chuckling. "Not really," Zayn said. "I was lonely," Niall said. "I came to talk to her friend," Harry said.

Liam frowned, and stared at all of us. "Kidding!" Niall said. Liam shook his head and gave Niall the death stare. Louis chuckled a little. I tried my best not to.

Liam walked down the stairs to properly greet all of us. "So welcome back," Liam said. Louis looked at me, and could tell I was getting anxious. "So where's the girl?" Louis asked. My heart starting beating fast. All I wanted to do was run to her and give Mal a huge hug. "She's in the library, want me to go get her?" Liam asked. "I'll go," I said. He smirked, "ok, go ahead babe. You remember where it is?" I nodded, and slowly let go of Louis' hand. Liam moved out of the way.

The boys kinda made an isle way for me. Liam and Zayn on my right and Niall and Harry on my left. Louis stood behind me. I walked down the hall and before I turned I looked back at them. I smiled at Louis. Then I continued down the hall. Before I knew it I couldn't see them anymore. The hallway was so quiet. I could hear myself breathing which was creepy.

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