Chapter 23

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Nialls POV

"Ermm, mmmm." I was groggy. I squirmed around, until my eyes just slightly opened. Everything was kinda blurry at first, then it slowly got more clear as I opened my eyes wider. I looked around. At first I had no idea where I was, then I recognized my bedroom.

I don't remember much of what happened. Louis and Harry appeared, Hannah looked scared, that Malory girl passed out and then everything went dark for me. I don't think Hannah got away. I would go check and see, but I feel kinda weak. I can see my reflection in the mirror across the room, and I'm all pale. My arms and legs are sore, but what really hurts the most is my side. I pulled up my shirt, and sure enough there was spot on my side slowly healing it's self. Louis must have vervained me. I can feel it slowly leaving my system. I won't be able to get up for a little while. I would heal faster with some blood, but I don't have any with me. Hopefully someone will be nice enough to bring me some, or maybe Louis wants me to starve as punishment for helping Hannah. If I really wanted to, I could crawl out of my room up the stairs, using my last remaining energy to get blood, but I won't. Louis will see me, and probably do something to make me regret leaving my room, like kicking me in the balls or something stupid like that. Whatever, ill manage for now.

I really do wish I could see Hannah. I know Louis won't let me, but I gotta talk to her. I could fight him off, but I would have be really strong to do that. I'm weak right now, and Lou drinks blood every chance he gets. Besides for Liam, he's probably the strongest one in the house. Ill probably think of another way to get her away from Lou later.

'Knock knock'. Someone's at my door. "C-come In" I said. Oh great, I'm so weak I can barely speak. Then someone walked into my room, it was Liam. "L-Liam? W-what are y-ou doing h-here buddy?" I asked.

I sat up in my bed, but it kinda hurt my sore body. "Hey Niall. Harry told me you were in a little bit of an accident. I brought you something mate," he said as he handed me the blood bag.

"W-wow thanks Li-." I stopped talking because I started coughing into my arm. Liam went over to me and patted my back till I stopped, then he handed me the bag. I opened it and began to drink, then immediately felt better. My stutter went away.

"So Niall, what exactly happened? Harry didn't tell me," Liam said.

I got a little nervous talking to him, I didn't want to tell him about the escape plan. "Umm I just tripped down the stairs and landed on some wood pallets, and a piece went through my side, then I past out."

"Really? I don't recall there being any wood pallets at the bottom of the stairs," he said.

"Well, start paying attention dude," I said as I squeezed the blood from the blood bag into my mouth.

Liam laughed a little, then shook his head in disbelief. "Whatever dude, ok. Also have you seen Malory I can't find here anywhere?"

I stopped drinking, and with my mouth still filled with blood I muttered out, "does it look like I'm on Malory watch?"

Liam laughed again, "alright Ni, well thanks anyway. Ill bring you some more blood later ok." I nodded, "thanks mate." Liam left my room after that. I put my blood bag on my night stand and tried to sit up even further. It hurt, but not as badly. I pulled my sheets off of me, and slowly moved my legs. I turned and planted my feet on my floor, then I sat on the edge of my bed. I tried standing up but I fell backwards on my bed again. Ok, so I'm a little off balance today, that's fine. Wait, what day is it anyway? How long was I out for?

Never mind, I don't care. I'm not trying to get upstairs, I'm trying to get to my bathroom, I really gotta piss. Damn, my legs are like noodles I can't walk. I decided to just crawl to the toilet.

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