The Girl

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She wore a yellow top, a dozen sizes too big with a hamburger on it. Her head was shaved almost bald, I thought she was a boy until she spoke. And she barely spoke at all, once when I asked if she knew where we were and all she said was "no".

I told her my name. When I asked hers she said it was Eleven. I didn't mention the monster or prey into what she was doing out in the middle of the woods.

I was shocked when day came. I was cold, straving, tired and scared, Eleven didn't look much better either.

We were walking through the woods all day, talking a littel bit but mostly just in silence.

"Hey uh, it's kinda cold out here. You wanna borrow my coat?" I asked Eleven after a minute or two of silence.

She nodded and I gave it to her. We kept walking for a while in silence. Then I felt droplets of rain on my face.

"Ah, fuck." I looked up into the sky as the rain picked up. I pulled my hood up and looked at Eleven, I wanted to offer her something to keep the rain off but only had my hoodie.

Eleven hugged herself and flinched as thunder boomed over head. She looked at me and I stepped closer, putting a hand over her head in a pathetic attempt to shelid her. She smiled at me and I smiled back.



"WILL? Y/N?"


It was Mike, Lucas and Dustin.

"GUYS?" I yelled into the woods.

"WILL? Y/N?"

"MIKE?" Eleven grabbed my arm. I looked back and she shook her head.

"Y/N? Y/N IS THAT YOU?" It sounded like Dustin.

"They're my friends." I told her "They'll help us. MIKE! DUSTIN! LUCAS! GUYS IM HERE!"


Suddenly they were there. Running through the woods and infront of us. They all had flashlights shinning in our faces.

"Oh my god." Dustin said "Y/n."

I sighed shakily and smiled "Can we get outta here?"

"What about Will?" Lucas asked. He looked at Eleven "And who is she?"

"Look just- something is in the woods, I don't know what, buts here and it's dangerous and I am fucking freezing. So can we please go home and I'll explain everything."

The boys exchanged looks and nodded.

"You can ride on my bike." Mike said over his shoulder as we climbed onto the road "That girl can ride on Dustins."

"Why my bike?" Dustin asked.

"Why not?" Mike snapped back as he got on his bike. I got on behind him, and Eleven got on behind Dustin. Lucas got on his and we rode back to Mike's house.

We went in the back and the questions started flying at me. "What happed?" "Wheres Will?" "Who's she?" "Where have you been?"

"How about a 'How are you? Good to see you. Glad your not dead'." I snapped. I sighed "I got lost in the woods and I met her."

All eyes turned to her, she was sat on the sofa shivering quietly while we talked. Mike walked over to her.

"Is there a number we can call, for your parents?"

"Where's your hair?" Dustin asked "Do you have cancer?" 

"Dude" I hit him in the stomach.

"What some kid shows up with no hair and we're not gonna ask why?"

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