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When I woke up, school had started an hour ago. I went to the kitchen and found my mum. Breakfast was layed out on the table waiting for me. I knew dad would already be at work. I wondered why my mum hadn't left yet.

"Aren't you going to work?" I asked her, sitting down at the table.

"I thought you'd want me to stay." She said "I called the school to let them know you're back but not coming in, I figured you'd like that."

I smiled "Of course I'd like no school. But I'm fine by myself mum, really."

"Are you sure?" She asked leaning on the table.

I nodded "I'm sure."

"Ok." She sighed and grabbed her bag off the chair opposite me "Call me if you need anything, anything at all."

I nodded, "I will, promise."

She smiled and walked out. I watched her drive off out the window and got up. I went back to the tree house. It wasn't raining today, but it was still cold and wet. When I opened the door Eleven was sat cross legged playing with the flashlight I'd given her.

"So my mum's gone, and we have the house for hours to ourselves." I smiled at her and she smiled back "Come on let's have some breakfast."

I led her inside and gave her my breakfast. I made myself some more while she ate and sat down opposite her. We didn't talk much while we ate, we were both still starving.

"You like those waffles, don't you." I noticed with a laugh.

Eleven looked up from her plate and nodded. She smiled and kept eating.

"So since you spent like, a day in the woods and night in my dusty old tree house, do wanna have a shower?" I asked awkwardly when we were done.


"Yeah, I don't mind you using mine." I shrugged.

"What's 'shower'?"

"You've never had a shower?" I asked. I fought the urge to gag "It's something you do to get clean. You wanna go clean yourself up?"

El nodded. I got up and gestured for her to follow. I led her to the bathroom and turned on the water.

"Use that to clean yourself," I pionted to the soap "and the water might be a bit cold at fisrt but it'll warm up. Ok?"

Eleven nodded. She went to step inside and I grabbed her arm.

"You gotta take your clothes off." I laughed pulling her out.

I turned around and kept giggling while she undressed.

"You in?" I asked after a moment.

"Yes." She said quietly.

"Ok call me if you need anything." I said, I went to leave and thought of something "Use that to dry yourself when your done." I pionted to the towel.

I left her and sat down in the living room. I turned on the TV and waited for Eleven to finish. About ten minutes later she emerged wrapped in a towel.

"Hey," I said down the hall "Everything ok?" She nodded "Good, you wanna get dressed and I'll show you around."

She nodded and went back inside the bathroom. A minute later she came out dressed and stood behind me.

"So uh-"

"What's that?" She pionted to the TV.

"Oh that's my TV." I leaned forward as Eleven walked around the sofa and knelt infront of the TV. She changed the channels a few times and stared at it with amazement. I leaned on the TV and watched her.

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