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On our way home from the arcade me, Lucas and Dustin came up with a plan for Max. I got home, got yelled at, and went to bed. But before I went to sleep I performed my little ritual.

"Hey El, it's me, again. Y/n. Still miss you, obviously. It's day 353, and sometimes I can't believe I'm still doing this. But I still do El. I still talk to you and leave my window open so if you're out there, and you ever want to come back, it'll be open for you. Um, anyway. There's a new girl at our school, her names Maxine. And she's Mad Max! So me and Dustin and Lucas are gonna try get her to join our party tomorrow, we're gonna invite her trick or treating. She won't replace you, obviously, but it'd be nice not being the only girl again. So anyway, if you're getting these, I miss you El. And I hope you're ok. Bye."

The next day I made sure not to dress in costume. However I did lay it out on my bed ready for after school. A simple white sheet with eye holes cut in. O had grudgingly agreed to be the ghost for the Ghost Busters, since I was the only girl and the Ghost Busters aren't girls.

My mum dropped me off at school, since I wasn't trusted to ride there anymore. I got out the car and smiled to myself, no one was in costume.

I waited by the bike rack for the boys to show up. They all did together, in full costumes with fake guns slung over their shoulders, seemingly oblivious to the costumeless kids around them.

When they parked and Joyce dropped off Will they all started congratulating each other on their costumes.

"Whoa whoa." Mike said once they had calmed down. He touched Lucas shoulder.


"Why are you Venkman?"

"Because I'm Venkman."

"No, I'm Venkman!"

"Why can't there just be two Venkmans?" Will asked.

"Yeah, no ones gonna look." I shrugged.

"There's only one Venkman in real life. We planned this months ago." Mike said.

I rolled my eyes "You are so sad." I muttered to myself.

Mike ignored me "I'm Venkman. Dustins Stanz. Will's Egon. Y/n's a ghost. And you're Winston."

"I specifically didn't agree to be Winston."

"Yes, you did!" Mike insisted.

"I don't think he did." Will shook his head.

"I wasn't listening, I don't remember." I shrugged.

"No one wants to be Winston man." Lucas said.

We all shook our heads.

"What's wrong with Winston?" Mike was still angry.

"What's wrong with Winston?" Lucas repeated "He joined the team super late, he's not funny, and he's not even a scientist."

"He's still cool." Mike said.

"If he's so cool, then you be Winston."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

Mike stuttered "Because-"

Lucas interrupted him and mimicked the stuttering "B-b-b-b-because you're not black."

"I didn't say that." Mike said defensively.

"You thought it." Lucas shrugged.

"It is obvious that's your reasoning." I nodded.

We all started arguing and didn't notice Dustin walking away.

"Guys," Dustin said, only just realising the obvious "Why is no one eles in costume?"

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