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El didn't come back. When I got home I snuck in through the window and found the note gone, meaning my parents had saw it. I had about half an hour not sleeping before they came in, cried, screamed, argued, and all the rest. Then the window was locked, key taken and door, also locked.

I didn't sleep that night, or even draw the curtains. I just lay stareing at the window waiting for Eleven to appear.  Like I said, she never did.

When morning came the door was unlocked, I are breakfast with my parents, then I was sent back to my room again. It was ment to be a day of aloneness to make me appreciate how much my family mean, or so I guessed. But my parents forget something important, my supercomm.

"Technically," I said into it "El said that it was dangerous so technically, she was trying to protect us. And also she didn't lie, she admitted to messing with the compass and never actually said she didn't so." I got up from my bed and started pacing.

"Y/n, calm down." Dustin said.

"I shouldn't have yelled at her. Fuck. What if she's back with those bad men? What if Lucas called the cops?"

"Y/n, this isn't your fault."

"Well who else is it?" I yelled at him "Well, obviously Lucas but ik also to blame here, clearly!"

"It's not his fault either."

"Don't you dare say this is Els fault. She was just looking out for us!"

"Oh give me a break! All three of you were being total assholes! Me and Mike were the only reasonable ones there! He agrees by the way. But the piont is, you punched first. And you know the rules."

"Of course I know the rules! But I am not shaking his hand until he apologies for what he said! To me and El."

"You drew fisrt blood, you have to shake his hand! This isn't a discussion, it's the rule of law!"

"I know, Dustin! I will shake his hand and apologise, if he dose the same. That's fair, isn't it?"

"That's not how it works. You gotta obey the rules. Obye, or be banished from the party. Do you wanna be banished?"

"Obviously not."

"Good. So go shake his hand."

"I'm grounded. I can't even leave my room except to eat. I'll have to do it tomorrow."

"But you will do it?"

"Yes," I sighed "I'll do it."

"Good. Then tomorrow, we find Eleven."

Tomorrow couldn't come fast enough. When it did, Dustin and Mike were waiting. We spun some lies about why it was so important we leave and reluctantly my parents let me go. We sped over to Lucas house fast as we could and rang the doorbell. Lucas opened the door and looked at us.

"What do you want?" He asked shoving his hands in his pockets.

I sighed "I drew fiart blood yesterday so," I shrugged "here to apologise. And shake hands. But first, I want you to apologise for what you said."

Lucas said nothing for a moment "Come inside." He turned and we followed him to the living room. He paced for about a minute, thinking "Define what I said."

"All of it. About me and Eleven."

"You still care about her, really?"

"Yes, she's my friend. And I know she was in the wrong. For attacking you and playing with the compass. But I can't help caring about her."

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