The Snow Ball

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It sounds stupid given everything we just went through, but being a teen had its own challenges besides saving the world every October.

I got all dressed up, my mum slapped a bunch of makeup on my face and did my hair. My dad gave me dancing lessons and then he drove me to school.

Me and the boys+Max were sat around a table wishing we were anywhere else in the world. Shitty music was playing and people we dancing and I was drinking bad punch. I was this close to walking out when Dustin showed up.

"What the fuck happened to you?" I asked as we all stood.

"What do you mean what happened?" Dustin asked.

"Your hair." I said. I grabbed a stand that had fallen onto his face. It had the same consistency as plastic. "Jesus how much hair spray you put on this?"

"Hey hands off." Dustin slapped my hand away.

"Is there a bird nesting in there?" Lucas asked.

"No. What do you mean what's wrong? There no bird in there asshole." Dustin said. He looked at me and straightened his jacket. "And I'll have you know the straight girls love it."

I scoffed. "The straight girls have no taste."

The music changed from shitty dance to shitty romance. Instantly people put their arms around the nearest person of the other gender and started swaying. Beside me, Lucas took a deep breath. I gave him a weird look.

"Max," He said, swinging to face her dramatically. "Hey. Um, it's nice right? You wanna um... you wanna like, you know, like just, you and me?"

"Subtle." I muttered to him obviously.

"Are you trying to ask me to dance, stalker?" Max asked with a smirk.

"No. Of course not. Unless, you want to?"

Max laughed. "So smooth. Come on." She took his hand and lead him to the dance floor. We all watched as they started dancing.

"Holy shit it actually worked." I said to myself.

"Hey Zombie Boy,"

I folded my arms and turned to face the girl.

"Do you wanna dance?" She asked unexpectedly.

Will stammered, looking at Mike and me uncertainly. Mike nudged him and Will agreed.

"Cool." She said. She took his hand and started dancing with an uncomfortable looking Will.

I laughed and shook my head. If only they knew.

Dustin took a deep breath and straightened his jacket. "Wish me luck. I'm going in."

He clicked his tongue and winked, heading for a group of girls.

"Don't purr." I called after him. I sat on the edge of the table besides Mike. "Looks like it's just you and me now, Mike."

I looked back at Dustin and saw him get bitterly rejected. He stood there, looking for some unfortunate girl to ask out. He headed over to the benches and dat there for a minute before Nancy fricking Wheeler came over and danced with him.

So me and Mike sat together chatting in single until I saw her.

She was wearing a blue dress with big puff sleeves, high heels and blue headband. Her hair was brushed back to make it seem longer. And she wore a little bit off makeup.


I stood and walked towards her. She saw me and did the same. We met in the middle of the room and started smiling, no idea why we just did.

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