Road Trip!

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The agent died. Let's just get that out of the way. We kept driving, speeding like there was no tomorrow, because for all we knew there wouldn't be. We tried to save him. I used all my knowledge from action films and whatever else medical knowledge we had between us, but it wasn't enough. He gave us pen though, before he died. Also Nina. We were meant to call Nina but then he died. Then more agents showed up and we went off road. That's how we wound up digging a grave in a random grave yard we found. Well, we were, Argyle was having a minor breakdown.

"Okay. This is not the way it's supposed to go, man. Oh man. This is so messed up man. This is so messed up. This is so messed up! Okay. Dude's probably got like a family and kids y'know, all that shit. We gotta go to the cops woth this man. Lay it all on 'em. Your superpowered  girlfriend. The bad government dudes. The Upside Down dimension planet things-"

"Argyle." I stopped digging and leaned on my shovle. "As this is your first time, I will alow you a minute to finish this breakdown we all deserve. As you do so, I shall explain a few things as the most experienced one in the room. Number one, we go to the cops the bad men will find out and kill us. They're smart. They know everything. Trust me, I should know. Second... actually that's all I got."

"Argyle." Jonathan said. "I think we can figure this out, okay. We just gotta open our minds."


Jonathan walked over and grabbed his shoulders. "Listen! Hey, dude! Hey! Just relax, okay? Why don't you just go to the van, and do your thing, huh?"

"Purple Palm Tree Delight." Argyle nodded. He laughed nervously and walked over to the van.

"Jonathan." Will said. His brother turned and looked at him. "More weed? Is that really a good idea right now?"

"You got a better idea to keep him calm?" Jonathan said, walking back over.

"Think we could all do with something to keep us calm right now." I said, wiping my brow.

"No!" Will and Jonathan said in unison.

Jonathan picked up his shovel. "Let's just get this done."

Sighing, I started digging again. Half an hour later and it was done. We all grabbed a drink and me and Will sat down on the roof of a car.

"You can't let him get to you." Will said. "I mean he's stoned out of his mind. He doesn't even know what he's talking about."

"I know." I said. I drank. "Has a point though. We're all a little fucked right now. Why didn't the guy just say the number? I mean, now I gotta spend the rest of my life carrying a dead man's pen."

I reached into my pocket and pulled the pen out. I turned it in my hand, admiring it.

"Hey dose anybody know the dead dudes name?" Argyle called from the grave.

"What?" Jonathan said from a different car.

"Dead dude." Argyle said. He was sat cross-legged on the floor and had a pizza box in hand. "I'm making him a headstone."

"You do realise we spent all morning hiding the body." Jonathan said.

"Well I just wright uh, 'Here lies unknown hero agent man'." Argyle said. "Yeah. 'Saved Argyle, Jonathan, Will and Y/n from certain death'."

"Agent Harmon." I said. "Or Wallace. One of the two. I didn't listen to which is which."

"Okay." Argyle called. "I'll write 'Here lies agent Harmon/Wallace. Saved Argyle, Jonathan, Will and Y/n'."

"You're gonna write our names on the pizza box?" Jonathan said.

"Pretty common names." Argyle shrugged and started writing.

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