The Worlds Ending Again. Again. Again.

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An hour later said bitches in suits were done explaining. Long story short, the Upside Down was back and Hawkins was in danger and the world was ending. And (no one said this but we were all thinking it) we were gonna have to save the world.

In other words nothing new.

"Look I don't care if the world's ending." I said. "It's been doing that since I was like ten. Where the fuck is Eleven?"

"For her safety it's best you don't know." The woman said.

"Her safety?!" I repeated. "What the hell dose that mean?!"

"So this training, to get El's powers back, how long is it gonna take?" Jonathan asked.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. The assholes from Hawkins lab had El again and were "training" her to give her super powers again.

"More importantly what dose this 'training' involve?" I said, putting it in air quotes.

"Could take weeks. Could take months."

"Months?!" Will repeated.

"And as to what it will involve, I just don't know." The woman said.

"Oh that is bullshit!" I yelled.

"In the meantime," She ignored my out burst and pointed at the agents behind her. "Agents Harmon and Wallace will stay with you."

"Why?" I asked. "We're hardly in danger here, right?"

"Our friends live in Hawkins." Will said.

"And I'll work to contain the situation until Eleven is ready." She snapped. "In the meantime, it is of vital importance you do not speak to anyone about this."

"Cause that always works out." I muttered, internally counting how many people knew about the Upside Down. I got to fourteen before she interrupted.

"I know this is difficult to understand."

"Then explain it better." I said obviously.

She stood. "There our factions within our government who are working directly against Eleven. Who are in fact searching for her as we speak. We can't risk contact. If they learned about any of this, it will jeopardise Eleven. And if Eleven is jeopardised, so are your friends."

"Okay." I said. "Fine I get that. But tell us. We won't tell anyone and we definitely won't jeopardise El."

"I can't risk that." She said.

I stood and stepped closer to her. "So how am I supposed to trust you're the good guys now, huh? You tried to kill me when I was eleven. I spent the next year constantly terrified you were gonna shoot me. And now I'm just meant to trust you, even if you won't tell me shit?"

"Yes." She said. "The people who tried to harm you worked for Brenner. We work with Owens. Eleven trusted us. Now we're asking the same from you."

She pulled a envelope out from inside her jacket and gave it to me.

"For you."

"No shit." I muttered as I opened it.

It was in El's own handwriting.

Dear Y/n,

I have gone to become a superhero again.

From, El

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