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We never found Dart. We thought we did, but it was a false alarm again. Will said he was in the toilets but disappeared when we got there. Dustin was there first and said Dart wasn't there. Then we realised Will had straight up vanished and went looking for him. What we found wasn't good.

Will was stood in the field shaking. His eyes were rolled up into the backnof his head and he was barely breathing. Mike shook him and he didn't wake up. We yelled at him and he didn't wake up. Joyce showed up at the school but even she couldn't wake him up. I slapped him and he didn't wake up.

He woke up with a gasp and we all sighed with relief. Joyce led him through the school and took him home and we followed behind, stopping at the school steps.

"Ok that totally freaked me out." Max said "Did that not freak you guys out?"

"Two episodes, in two days." Lucas said, ignoring her.

"It's getting worse." Mike said.

"No shit." I said absently.

"You think it's True Sight?" Lucas asked.

"What's True Sight?" Max asked.

"Dnd thing." I said.

Will drove away and we watched. After that we gave up on Dart and went home. That night I hesitated at picking up the comm but in the end I did, as always.

"Hey, El. It's day 355 now. I- um- we- oh fuck it. I think the Upside Down is back. There's this thing, Will recons it from the Upside Down. So that's happening. Also, um, with Max. I know it probably wasn't you. But, she's not replacing you, El, no one could ever replace you. She's just a- you're not just- I'm- fuck. Fuck why is this so hard? Ok, basically, if you're hearing these and if coming isn't all that dangerous, can you come. Or just, at the very least, give me a sign. Bye."

I got school early the next day. So did, Max, Mike and Lucas. Lucas drew the short straw and ended up with the task of going through the garbage looking for Dart. After about twenty minutes he chucked us a few bags and jumped out, just in time for Dustin.

"What the hells going on?"

"What do you think?" Mike asked "We're looking for Dart."

"Yeah, we did call about this." I said.

"Well, well." Lycas said "Look who finally decided to show up. Right after I drew the short straw. Real convenient."

"You stink." Max said as she started poking through the bags with her stick.

"Hi Max." Dustin said as she walked over.


"Where's Will?" Dustin asked us.

"He'll be here." Mike said for the millionth time.

"Are you gonna just stand there?" Lucas threw Dustin a trash stick "Or you gonna help?"

We started digging through the trash until the bell went. Will never showed up. When break came Mike tried to call Joyce but she didn't pick up. He called a meeting in the AV club and refused to let Max in. Again.

"Will didn't want me to tell anyone but," Mike said, sat on the table infront of us "but on Halloween night he sawa sort of shadow in the sky."

"A shadow?" Lucas repeated "What kinda of shadow?"

"I dunno. But it scared him. And if Will really has True Sight, and  if he can really see into the Upside Down, maybe he saw that shadow again yesterday."

I sighed "Fantastic. We've got a new monster trying to end the world and once again we must be the ones to save it. Us. Literal school children. Because that is fair."

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