Monster Hunting

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I was well past caring what my parents cared about and how much they yelled. It was more or less midnight and I stayed over Dustins. The next day we met up with Steve and unloaded. Overnight he had bought meat, gas, and a whole manner of other useful monster hunting things. We drove out to the woods and were unloading the boot when Lucas called. Both our comms picked it up.

"Dustin! This is Lucas. Do you copy? Dustin?"

"Well, well, fucking well." I answered "Look who finally picked up."


"Yes. Because unlike you, I know that a code red is more important than a crush."

"Sorry man. My stupid sister turned it off."

"Well when you were having sister problems. Dart grew again, he escaped and I'm pretty sure he's a baby Demogorgon." Dustin said.

"And he ate Dustins cat." I added.

"Wait. What?"

"Look, you'd be all caught up if you just showed yesterday." I said.

"We'll explain later. Meet us and Steve at the old junkyard."


"He was the only one available." I shrugged "Over and out."

"Bring your binoculars and wrist rocket." Dustin said quickly.

"All right." Steve closed the boot and grabbed a bucket of mince meat "Let's go."

"Just be there, stat. Over and out."

We each grabbed a bucket and followed Steve into the woods. We made our way to the old railroad track, leaving a trail of meat behind us.

"So uh," Steve said when we reached the track "I heard mention of a crush."

"Oh, it's nothing just-"

I cut him off "Dustin and Lucas have a crush on the same girl. Y'know the new one. Maxien, pretty sure her brothers in your year. Billy, right?"

"Yeah, yeah I know Billy. So uh, the smell girl. That's awkward." He looked back at me "What about you huh?"


"Yeah. You're a queer, aren't you?"

I stammered "Oh- no I-"

This time Dustin cut me off "Her hearts already been stolen. By El."

"El? Hang on, Eleven? Superpowers girl?"


"No!" I yelled at both of them "We weren't dating!"

"You were something and it wasn't platonic." Dustin shook his head.

"Shut up." I threw meat on the floor angrily.

After that we walked in silence for a bit.

"So why did you keep the baby Demogorgon again?" Steve asked.

"He thought it was cute." I said, it was my turn to embarrass him.

"Cute?!" Steev repeated "Hang on. I've only seen one of these things and it was dark, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't cute."

"He didn't look like the one from before." Dustin said, walking faster. He left me and Steve behind but Steve kept going "Plus I thought Max would like him."

"What? Cuz he was tubular?"

"Shut up." Dustin snapped back at me.

"So let me get this straight. You kept something you knew was probably dangerous in order to impress a girl who you just met?"

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