Dustin's Back

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Dating Eleven was probably the best experience of my life. I mean I had been crushing on her for a year so I hoped as much. There was only one real problem: Hopper.

He was cool with me and El being gay, which I honestly found surprising. His problems was he was very protective. I understood it, but he really went overboard sometimes. El was rarely allowed to leave their cabin, and when  she was it was only to my house or on the edge of town. We never got to go to mall, a new thing, or anywhere fun or date worthy. So me and El improvised and kinda snuck out every weekend to go on dates.

But the rest of the time we were well behaved kids, quietly dating in Els room. And making out, I did alot of making out in those days.

"Hey!" Hopper yelled from the living room. El pulled away from me and thrust her hand out, the door slammed shut.

"Hey! Three inch minimum! Leave the door open three inches!" Did I mention Hopper had a weird thing about the door.

Outside Hopper was running at us, we could hear. I threw myself away from El and fell off the bed, not caring I grabbed my comic book and started reading it upside-down.

"Three inch-" Hopper slammed the door open and I jumped, turning to face him.

"You good Cheif?" I asked innocently.

As always, Hopper made the best facial expressions.

"Three inches." Hopper tapped the door.

"Three inches." I saluted and turned back to El. "It's not the only thing."

Not long after that I had to go, Hopper practically threw me out and I had to meet the others for a movie. However that didn't stop me and El. For her birthday, I had gotten El her own supercomm. So as I was riding my bike away we could still talk.

"I wish I was still with you." El said through the comm.

"It's been one minute." I laughed. "So, I'm heading to see the new movie with the others now, you wanna hear about it after?"

"Sure." El said.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow, my place. Dustin's coming back." That summer Dustin had been sent away for this summer camp, Camp Know Where. He came back tomorrow morning.

"I can't wait." Eleven said.

"Talk to you later, bye El."


I checked my watch and saw I was late for the movie. "Shit." I sped up and cut corners to get to the Starcourt Mall, about the fanciest thing in Hawkins ever. By the bike racks by the door was Mike, Will, Lucas and Max, all waiting for me.

"You're late." Lucas said.

"I know. I'm sorry." I said, getting off my bike.

"Again." Lucas went on.

"We're gonna miss the opening." Will complained.

"At this rate, yeah. Let's go." I speed walked past time inside.

"At this rate yeah blah blah blah." Lucas said as he followed.

"Real mature Lucas." I said over my shoulder.

"Let me guess," Mike said. "You were busy making love with El?"

"You realise making love means sex right? What I do with your mother."

"Oh El, I wish we could make out forever, and never hang out with any of our friends." Lucas said.

"Lucas stop." Max said.

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