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After that disaster we went back to Mike's. I was lay on the sofa, staring up at the ceiling contemplating my life choices.

"She dumped me." I said again.

"Yes." Lucas said.

"I was dumped."

"We know." Lucas said.

"Eleven dumped me."

"Yes! She dumped you! Moving on!"

"No! Not moving on!" I sat up and looked at him. "I was dumped! This is big! No, this is Max. I swear I am gong to kill her. I know Eleven, and I know that wasn't her. She never breaks a rule by herself, this was Max's idea. She turned my own girlfriend against me!"

I stood started pacing. "Fuck." I kicked the table.

"Stop kicking my stuff." Mike said, mouth full of crisps. The boys had decided now would be the perfect time to snack. 

"No! I'm pissed off Mike. Let me hit things."

"Listen, you did nothing wrong." Lucas said.

"Well obviously I did Lucas or else I'd be on a date with my girlfriend right now. I mean she didn't even let me explain. Max cut me off before I could explain myself. That isn't fair. Why would she do that? Dose she want us to break up or something?"

"Look stop asking rational questions." Lucas shoved me back onto the sofa. "Just relax."

"He's right. Because women act on emotions and not logic." Mike said.

"Precisely." Lucas said. "It's a totally different species."

I stared at them both. "Exuse me!?" I stood and grabbed whatever off the table, throwing it at them. "I'm a woman! You idiots! Why are boys so sexist at this age!? God no wonder Max is always dumping you! You're an asshole!"

"Guys, it's ready." Will said.

"Will, not right now." Lucas said, dodging as I threw more stuff at him.

"They broke up with you. What else is there to talk about?"

"Tons." Lucas said.

"Yeah we're trying to solve the mystery of the female species." Mike said.

I grabbed the biggest thing on the table, a huge bottle of coke, and threw it at Mike. He screamed and I turned to Will.

"Will, look, we're just not in the mood okay? Sorry." I walked over and looked at the campaign. "It looks really cool. Leave it set up and we'll play it tomorrow or something."

Will nodded sadly. "Okay."

"Hey, hey guys." Mike burped. "You can smell the nacho cheese."

"Gross, Mike." I said.

"I got that beat." Lucas said.

"What?" We all said in unison. Lucas lifted his leg and we all yelled at him to stop. He farted and I walked away.

"I'm staying in the bathroom till you grow up." I said. "This is why I'm gay." I slammed the door and heard the boys laughing.

A few hours later the boys were asleep. I left the bathroom and shoved Mike off the sofa, taking his place and sleeping there until Will snapped.

He woke us up with DnD music, not what I wanted. And when I sat up and saw him in full Will The Wise cosplay I was ready to end it all.

"What are you doing?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah Will can you turn down the music?" Mike yelled.

"Please address me by my full name." Will said.

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