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"Ok, so, in this example, we're the acrobat. Will and Barbara and that monster, they're this flea. And this is the Upside Down, where Wills hiding. Mr. Clarke said the only way to get there is through a rip in time and space." Mike put down the paper he had drawn his diagram on.

Nancy, Jonathan and Joyce were sat on the sofa infront of us listening we explained. Hopper was sat to our side on an armchair.

"A gate." Dustin explained.

"That we traced to Hawkins lab." Lucas added.

"With our compass." I finished.

Joyce looked confused.

"Ok, so the gate has a really strong electromagnetic field and that can change the direction of a compass needle." Dustin explained.

"Is this gate underground?" Hopper asked.

"Yes." Eleven said.

"Near a large water tank?"

She nodded "Yes."

"You've seen it?" I asked "How? Place is like a fortress."

"I broke in." He said flatly.

"Is there anyway you could- that you could reach Will? That you could talk to him-?" Joyce stammered.

I nodded "We have, kinda. Eleven used the Heathkit at school to contact him. Though it was one way, we could hear him but he couldn't us. Plus the whole thing was completely fried after we did it."

"What about Barbara?" Nancy asked "Can you find her, too?"

Eleven nodded. She looked at me "Supercomm."

"Right." I stood and went into Wills room.

"What are you doing?" Joyce called after me.

"Eleven needs a radio to contact them." I called back, grabbing Wills supercomm off his bedside table.

When I went back Nancy was giving Eleven a picture. I handed the supercomm to her and she went into the kitchen. She turned on the supercomm and set it on the table. She looked at the picture. It had been torn up and taped back towards and showed Barbra sat on the edge of a pool, something stood behind her.

"That's what in saw in he woods." I said. Looked at the boys "I told you I wasn't crazy."

They rolled their eyes.

Everyone gathered around the table and watched Eleven. She closed her eyes and the static grew louder and quieter. After a moment the light flicked in and out. Eleven opened her eyes.

"Im sorry." She said quietly.

"What?" Jouce stammered "What's wrong? What happened?"

"I can't find them." She had tears in her eyes.

We all sighed and moved away. Eleven went into the bathroom and Hopper leaned against the counter. The rest of us remained around the table.

"We don't know their dead." No one had said it but we were all thinking it "She just can't find them. The signal might not be strong enough again."

Mike nodded "Plus, whenever she uses her powers she gets weak."

"The more energy she uses the tired she gets." Dustin said.

"Like, she flipped a van earlier." Lucas said.

"It was awesome."

"And tiring." I shot Dustin a look "She's drained."

"Well, how do we make her better?" Joyce asked.

"Feed her." I suggested "Let her rest."

"We just have to wait and try again later." Mike said.

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