Dating Problems

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We went back to Hoppers and made out for a little bit. We read comics, watched TV, listened to music, and made out a little more. That's when Hopper came back.

He knocked, which was odd, and me and El separated and picked up a comic each.

"Hey," Hopper said.

"Yes?" El said.

"Can I talk to you guys a minute?"

Me and El shrugged to eachother and El opened the door with her powers. Hopper stood there and stared at us for a moment.

"Hi." He said.

I turned on the bed and put the comic down. "Hey Cheif."

Hopper walked in, pulled up a chair, and turned the music off. El shuffled closer and we looked at him expectantly.

"Everything okay?" I asked after a minute.

"Yeah. Yeah, everything's fine." Hopper said uncharacteristically. "What I uh... needed to say to you... what I wanted to say to you... is that um..."

"You're having a stroke?" I asked. "You feeling okay Cheif?"

Me and El snickered. Hopper looked ready to end someone, me or him I couldn't tell.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine. I just um... uh... you know what? Your mom called."

"My mom?" I checked my watch. "I'm not out past curfew. What I do now?"

"Oh no you didn't do anything. She just needs you to come home right away."

"Why?" I asked. "What happened? Is it bad?"

"I think so. It's your grandma."

I should have known he was lying then. "Fuck she doing here? She said she never wanted to see me again."

"Well, she's here. And your mom needs you home. It's urgent." Hopper stood. "I'll drive you."

"Bye El." I kissed her on the cheek before following him out, confused. Once outside I hit Hop with the questions.

"Is she at my house?"


"Is she sick?"


"Is she dying?"


"Is she dead?!"


"Then what is it Hopper!?" I yelled, getting in the car.

"Nothing! It's nothing! She's fine! Your mom didn't call! Nothing happened! Nothing is wrong!"

"Then why are we here?!"

"But, there's something very wrong with this thing between you and El." Hopper leaned back in his seat.

I stared at him. "Exuse me!? Hopper I swear to God if you say what I think you're gonna say."

"What do you think I'm gonna say?" Hopper asked calmly.

"If you pull out some homophobic bullshit-!"

"No." Hopper said. "It's not that."

"Then fuck this and fuck you then." I went to grab the door and it locked. I looked at the other doors and saw them locked as well. "What the fuck?! You are crazy Cheif."

"Crazy? You wanna see real crazy? You disrespect me again. Okay?" He sounded and looked crazy.

I backed away from him. "Okay. Chill."

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