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We stayed at Mike's for dinner. I ate but Dustin, Lucas and Mike didn't. Mike's mum called us up for dinner almost immediately after Eleven's littel display, so no one had had a chance to process it.

"Something wrong with the meatloaf?" Mike's mum asked after a minute of the boys not eating.

"Oh no, I had two bologna sandwiches for lunch." Dustin said "I don't know why."

I sighed in disappointment quietly at his exuse "It's great, Mrs Wheeler."

"Oh please, call me Karen."

I nodded "It's great, Karen." I muttered into my plate.

"Yeah mommy it's great." Nancy said.

"Thank you sweety."

"So there's this special assembly thing tonight for Will at the school field." Nancy said "Barbs driving."

"Why am I only just hearing about this?"

"I thought you knew." She shrugged.

"I told you, I don't want you out after dark until Will is found."

"I know I know, but it be super weird if I'm not there. I mean, everyone's going."

Mike's mum sighed "Just, be back by ten. Why don't you take the boys and Y/n too."

"NO!" Mike shouted.

I shook my head, I knew this was a lye to sneak out and go fuck Steve Harrigton or something and I definitely wanted no part in it.

"Don't you think you should be there, for Will?"

"My parents said I'm not allowed out after dark either." I said "I mean I'm pushing my luck just by being out this late."

"Yeah my parents don't want me out late either." Dustin said. Lucas nodded.

"Want to, but can't." I shrugged.

"Mike?" His mum looked at him.

"I just don't feel up to it." He said "Think it might be too sad."

His mum nodded "Alright."

At the end of dinner Mike snuck some meatloaf downstairs. We found El sat playing  with his supercomm.

"Hey El." I said walking down the steps.

Mike gave her the meatloaf and backed away. Everyone stared at her and she stared back.

"We didn't tell Mike's parents," I told her "about you, or your powers. We brought you dinner though."

She put the supercomm down and ate.

"Hey El," Dustin said "we never would have upset if we knew you had superpowers."

I glared at him "They're sorry, that's what he's saying. Also we won't tell."

"Promise?" El asked.

I nodded "Promise."

"We just wanna find our friend." Lucas said.


"Yeah friend." I said "You know, Will. The boy in the picture we showed you."

"What is 'friend'?"

"Is she serious?" Lucas asked.

"Fuck off." I hit him "A friend is- we're friends. It's a person who you really like and would do anything for. Someone you help when they're in deep shit."

"And lend them cool stuff like comic books and trading cards." Dustin added.

"And they never break a promise or lie." Mike said.

I nodded "We're friends, the four of us."

The boys looked skeptical at that but didn't say anything. After Eleven finished eating she wondered over to our DnD table.

"What's the weirdo doing?" Lucas asked as she sat down.

I hit him in the stomach "El?"

I stood next to her as she closed her eyes and put her hands on the desk. She sat like that for a minute before picking up Wills character.


"Yeah, thats his character." I looked at the others, they shrugged.

"Superpowers." Dustin said.

"We already established that." I told him as Lucas rolled his eyes.

Mike sat down next to her "Did you see him? On Mirkwood? Do you know where he is?"

Eleven swept the other characters off the board and flipped it over. She put Will in the middle of the board.

"I don't get it." I shook my head.

"Hiding." El said.

We exchanged uncertain looks. I leaned on the table beside her.

"From what?" I asked "The bad men?"

El shook her head. She grabbed another character and put it next to Will. The Demogorgon.

Dustin sighed. I dropped my head.


"Hang on." Lucas said "We don't know what any of this means." He waved his hand over the board.

"Wills hiding from the Demogorgon." I turned and sat on the edge of the table.

"The Demogorgon doesn't exist." Lucas said.

"What if it dose." I realised. I turned and looked at Eleven "El what dose it look like? The Demogorgon, what does it look like?"

She said nothing. She looked scared again. I stepped back and paced the room. It all made sence. Everything made sence, and at the same time nothing did.

"Y/n what is it?" Mike asked "Y/n!"

"That thing in the woods," I turned to him "The- the thing that chased us, I thought it got Will but what if- what if it didn't. What if Wills, out there hiding from the thing. That's what she means." I walked over to the board and pionted.

"Well if that's the case," Dustin said "why is Will on the wrong side of the board?"

I said nothing for a moment. I turned away and rubbed my forehead "I don't know." I started pacing again "I don't know but, it's the best theory we got. There's a thing in the woods, it tried to get me it almost got Will, and now he's hinding from it."

"So how dose she know all that?" Lucas pionted to El.

"Dose it matter?"

"Yes." Lucas said obviously.

All eyes turned to El, she avoided all our gazes and looked down.

"Ok, I think we should go back to Mirkwood," Mike said "see what we can find."

Eleven got up and moved over to the sofa. She sat down and started playing with Mike's supercomm again. The four of us stood around the table and discussed a plan. By then it was time for us all to go home. We and El went home together and I dropped her off at the tree house.

On the way out I stopped in the door. I turned to face her "Thanks, for today. Telling us about Will. We really appreciate it."

El smiled and nodded. I smiled back and went inside. I was met with my parents being pissed at me for being late. I told them I stayed over at Mike's for dinner and that I'd call next time. It seemed to be enough and they kept the lectures to about twenty minutes. After about an hour something occurred to me. I got up and snuck out.

"Hey El," I opened the door and she sat up "Hope I didn't wake you it's just- I saw how much you like Mike's so I thought I'd give you this." I gave her my supercomm.

She turned it on and listened to the static. She looked up at me "Thanks."

I nodded "K, imma go to bed. See ya tomorrow."

When I left I heard her listen to the static. I smiled to myself.

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