Dustins An Idiot

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The next day at school Max was over it, thankfully. She was talking to us and asking about Will, to which we sort of lied about it. We were sat in science listening about some guy from the 1800's who had an Iron pole through his head and gott brain damage unsurprisingly. That's when Dustin showed up, uncharacteristically late.

He burst open the door and ran in, bag in hand "I am so sorry Mr. Clarke. So sorry. Please, continue with the class. Don't mind me. Really, continue, please. Thanks." He sat down rambling on nervously as everyone watched.

"Although it wasn't a crowbar, it was a rod, as I said." Mr. Clarke continued. He kept talking as Dustin turned in his chair to us.

"We have to meet, all of us. At lunch, AV club." He whispered loudly "I have something you won't believe."

"Dustin!" Mr. Clarke said, annoyed.

"Yes my lord."

"Case of Phinius Gage."

"Phinius Gage." Dustin again rambled as he got out his books.

I ripped a little scrap of paper out the back of my book and wrote down. AV club at lunch. Be there. I scrunched up the note and threw it to Max behind me.
She grabbed it and read it. She looked at me and I nodded, she nodded back.

When lunch finally came we all made our way to the AV club, where Dustin was already waiting.

"Why do you have your Ghostbusters trap?" I asked as we gathered around the table.

"Yeah, Halloween's over dipshit." Lucas said.

"Just, trust me, ok? This is amazing." Dustin opened the trap "His name is D'artagnan."

D'artagnan was weird. A small, puke green blob with two stubby legs at the front, a long tail, and no face. Dustin picked him up tenderly and held him in the palm of his hand.

"What the ever loving fuck is that?" I asked.

Dustin smiled at me "Cute, right? I call him Dart for short."

I shook my head "Answer the question."

"I don't know." Dustin shook his head "I found him in my trash foraging for food."

"And you kept him as a pet?" I asked him, amazed by this new level of bullshit.

"You wanna hold him?" Dustin asked, extending his hand.

"No. No, nononnono-"

Dustin ignored my and grabbed my hand. He turned my palm up and put Dart in it. It felt slimy and gross.

"Ew!" I gave it to the person next to me, Max. She didn't like him much better. She gave it to Lucas, who gave it to Will, and then to Mike. Mike held it and Brough it to his face.

"What is he?" He asked.

"That's what I asked!"

"My question exactly." Dustin said. He reached into his bag and grabbed a bunch of books. Mike put Dart back in the trap and Dustin dumped the books on the table.

"At first, I thought he was some kind of pollywog."

"Because we know what that is." I said sarcastically.

"Another word for a tadpole. The larval stage of a toad."

"I know what a tadpole is." Max said.

"All right, then you'll know most tadpoles are aquatic, right?"

"Most. Not all." I said, sitting on the table slightly "You just found a tadpole foraging in your trash, which is disgusting. Why did you keep it?"

"There are only two terrestrial pollywogs. Ones from India, the others from South Africa. So how did one end up in my trash?"

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