Eleven's Alive and Max's a Badass

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She looked different. She was dressed in punk. Cuffed jeans, black jacket, black banda around her wrist. Messy black eye shadow. And of course, her statement bloody nose. But never the less, I recognised her instantly.

I stepped forward "El?"

"Y/n." She said, smiling.

I took a shaky breath "El." I ran forward and hugged her. She hugged me back and started crying, I teared up a little too. And for a minute we just stayed like that. I buried my face into the crook of her neck to stifle the sound of me crying.

When at last we pulled away I saw blood smudged on her face. Without thinking I held her face and wiped it away with my thumb. Then I almost started crying again.

"I never gave up on you." I said "Every night I tried to call you. And I left the window open incase you came back. I- I was waiting El. Three hu-"

"353 days." El said "I heard."

"Why didn't you come back?" I was crying now "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I wouldn't let her." Hopper said.

I turned and looked at him "What!?"

He ignored me and walked over to Eleven.

"What is this? Where the hell have you been?"

"Where have you been?" Eleven asked.

Hopper hugged her one armed and didn't answer.

"She's been with you?" I asked "You- you had her!? What the hell..? Why? Why would you do that!? What- what were you thinking? I half thought she was dead!" I yelled.

"Hey," Hopper turned to face me "Let's talk. Alone." He walked towards the bathroom "I did it to protect her."

"Protect her?" I repeated, going in the bathroom. Hopper followed and closed the door "Protecting her!? Is that what you call it!? Keeping her locked up with no access to the outside world!? You know who you're starting to sound like now?"

"Oh, my god." Hopper moaned "How many times are people going to compare me to that bastard?"

"Don't dogde the question!" I yelled "You lied! You lied to all of us! YOU TOLD ME SHE DIED!"

"Listen, the more people know about her, the more danger she's in." Hopper said calmly.

"One person!" I yelled "You couldn't have told one person?! Just me, Hopper! Just me and I wouldn't have told anyone!"

"Yeah you say that now, what about afterwards? Would you have told them then? You know it would have put you and your family at risk as well." He leaned the gun against the wall.

"So I should be thanking you!? Thank you for telling me she's dead!? I would have done anything to protect her! ANYTHING! But you lied! You liar you liar you lair!" I started hitting him. Pounding my fists into his chest and crying.


Hopper was telling me stop. Over and over he said it. I didn't until my arms started to hurt and his arms wrapping around me. I started crying properly and let him hug me, though I didn't hug him back.

"I know she's your friend-"

"She's more than that." I said "She's more than a friend."

"Ok, kid." Hopper said gently "You're ok. It's ok. I'm sorry."

"You should be." I pushed off him. I took a few deep breaths and looked at myself in the mirror. I turned on the tap and splashed some water in my face. I dried it with a towel and looked at him "Anything eles?"

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