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We stopped at the first shop we passed, smashed a window with a rock I found, and put El down on the floor. Nancy rolled up El's trouser leg and I gagged.

"Whoa whoa hey, what are you doing?" Max grabbed Nancy's hand as she picked up a cloth.

"Cleaning the wound." Nancy said.

"No. First we need to stop the bleeding, then clean, then disinfect, then bandage." Max said. "I skateboard. Trust me."

She put the cloth on El's wound. "Y/n, hold this. Keep the pressure on it. Nice and firm, okay?"

I did as I was told and El groaned.

"Sorry." I said, though I didn't move my hand.

Max looked at Nancy and Jonathan. "We're gonna need water, soap."

They got up and went to get the stuff. Lucas dumped his backpack on the floor, all his stuff spilling out.

"Does any of this help?" He asked.

"No." Max said. "Go get me a washcloth and a bowl."

"A bowl?"


"Get out of here and get her a bowl." I snapped. "Before El bleeds to death preferably."

Lucas nodded and him, Will and Mike walked off. After a minute Max went after them, leaving me and El alone.

"It still hurt?" I asked after a moment.

"Mm, not bad." El said.

I nodded. "Good. We're gonna fix you up, don't worry. Y'know I bet by the time it's healed you're gonna have the coolest scar."

"Bitchin'." El said.

"Exactly, bitchin'." I nodded. "So, earlier, you really didn't anything me and Max were talking about?"

El shook her head. "Why?"

I shook my head. "Doesn't matter now. Its stupid. I mean we're about to go save the world and I'm worried about my stupid love life."


Lucas' com went off and a distorted voice spoke.

"Anyway." I said. "Um, it's just lately I realise that Max was right. And I was jealous of her when the two of you started hanging out. Which is fine by the way it's great you two are friends now. But just, it made we realise something... and that was a dick move too, because obviously you're allowed to have other friends and hangout with people without me I guess, I guess I just... fuck."

"What?" El asked.

"I guess I just didn't realise how much I loved you till I lost you. Its like they say, you don't know you have it till it's gone."
The comm sounded again and I sighed irritatedly. I leaned over and grabbed it.

"Jesus shut up man I'm trying to make things up with my girlfriend." I went to turn it off and stopped.

"I reapete. This is a code red."

"Is that-" I pulled the antenna out. "Dustin!?"


"Dustin fucking Henderson-"

"Y/n! Oh my God you have to listen. I know I've been MIA..." He trailed off into static.

"Dustin. Dustin. Dustin!" I yelled. "Dude shut up I'm out of rage. Talk slowly and tell me where the fuck you've been all week. You said you've got a code red? We called that in three days ago dipshit!"

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