School Disaster

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I didn't know I was asleep untill she woke me. She nugged my shoulder and I opened my eyes. I screamed when I saw stood over my bed but she put a hand over my mouth. With the other she put a finger to her lips. When she pulled her hand away I sat up.

"Eleven? What the fuck are you doing here?"

She sat down looked at the supercomm in her hand. I stared at her while she played with it.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her again "How did you even get in?"

"The window." She said quietly.

"You came in through my window?" I scoffed "I should call the cops right now for you breaking into my house. Will you stop that? The statics giving me a headache."

"Wait." She said. She kept twisting the buttons untill something actually played. Someone.

So come on and let me know,
Should I stay or should I go?
Should I stay or should I go now?
If I go there will be trouble,
If I stay it will be double.


Her nose was bleeding. She offered me the supercomm and I took it.

"Will? Will is that you? Can you hear me?"

It went back to static. I looked at El and she smiled. I beamed at her and wrapped my arms around her shoulders. I cried and thanked her over and over.

"El I'm so sorry. I didn't mean what I said at quarry, I swear I didn't. I-"

"What, is this?"

"What?" I pulled away.

"That." She mimed hugging.

"It's a hug." I told her "It's nice, isn't it? It's meant to be nice."

El nodded "It's nice."

Nervously, she put her arms over my shoulders. I put mine around her waist and pulled her in. We sat like that for a while, just hugging silently.

When we pulled away I looked at the discarded supercomm next to us.

"Do you think you could do it again?" I looked back at El "Contact Will?"

She nodded.

"Thanks." I reached up and wiped the blood off her face with my tumb "I feel kinda bad, making you sleep in the treehouse. It must be cold."

El shrugged.

I bit my lip nervously "Do you wanna sleep in here tonight? My parents shouldn't come in so they won't see."

El nodded "I'd like that."

I made her a makeshift sleeping bag out of blankets beside my bed. I did offer her the bed but she said no. I put on the side of the bed so that even if my parents did peak in, they wouldn't see her. El left the supercomm on, I think she liked the sound of static. And even I found I quite liked the quiet hum of it.

El jumped out of her skin when the alarm went off. I turned it off quickly and comforted her, explaining what an alarm clock is in the process.

I used the supercomm to call Dustin. It had a weak signal and usually I only used it to call Will, but it just managed Dustins house, thankfully. I told him it was important, and about Will.

"He's alive, I can prove it ok? Call the others and tell them to meet me at Mike's. Dustin I swear I'm telling the truth, I have proof."

"Ok," He said over the comm "But this better be good. I'm not in the mood for games."

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