Hosts, plural

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After that disaster we went back to Mike's. El slowly recovered and by the time we got back she was back to being pissed at me, which I found a little ridiculous all things considered. At that point, we decided Hopper would be useful by then, something I was against because my pride is more important than my survival.

Eleven used a tie as a blindfold and we used the TV for static and a minute later she spoke.

"I found him."

"Where is he?" Max asked.

"Woods." El said as he nose started bleeding.

"Woods?" Lucas asked.

"The woods in Hawkins? The one by the lab?" I asked. Because normally everyone is involved in the end of the world at the same time we just don't realise it, someone was probably at the lab by then.

"I don't know." El said. "He's with Wills mom."

"My mom?" Will asked.

"What are they doing?" Max asked.

"Ill-annoy." Max said. "They're going to Ill-annoy."

Mike's mom knocked on the door."Mike! Breakfast!"

"NOT NOW MOM!" Mike screamed over his shoulder. He looked back at El as she took the blindfold off. "Illinois? Illinois like the state? The state of Illinois."

"Ill-annoy." El shrugged.

"Okay." Max stood. "You boys figure it out while I go clean El up."

El stood and the two walked into the bathroom. I watched them go open mouthed. Mike stood up and started pacing.

"Have I just been completely replaced?" I asked no one in particular.

"We the hell would Hopper go to Illinois?" Lucas asked.

"What in Illinois?" I asked.

"Nothing." He said.

"Well there's obviously something." I said. "God all summer I want Hop to leave me alone then the minute I need him he's off with Joyce in the woods."

"And Dustins MIA." Mike added.

"I'm gonna strangle Dustin when I see him." I said. "He's never MIA. He practically sleeps with that tacky headset on."

"This can't be a coincidence." Mike said.

"What does it matter?" Lucas asked. "The bottom line is, they're not here. It's up to us."

"Up to us to do what exactly?" Mike asked.

"Save the world." I shrugged. "Again. Again. Jesus how many times is the world gonna end?"

"We need to find Billy and stop him." Lucas said.

"Okay even if El could fund him again and that's a pretty big if," Mike said. "Then what would we do?"

"We burn the shit out of him and make sure he doesn't escape this time." Lucas shrugged.

"Yeah well we did that with Will and look how we'll that turned out." I said. "We have to figure out how to actually kill it. Or at least send him back to the Upside Down."

"How the hell do we do that?" Lucas asked.

"I don't know." Me and Mike said in unison.

"Maybe El dose." Will said.

We all looked at the bathroom door.

"Is it me or have they been in there ages?" I asked.

"What are they still doing in there?" Mike asked.

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