Arsons Fun

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Turns out Max can drive. No idea how she learned but she could. We all piled into Billy's car and dragged Steve in with us, who was still out cold. Also, now I understand how Max earned her name Zoomer.

We were speeding down through Hawkins. Max driving, Lucas giving directions, the rest of us crammed in the back taking care of Steve.


I looked and saw Steve awake and looking at Mike, who gave him a weird look.

"That's Mike." I said. I looked at Dustin "Dose he have brain damage?"

Dustin ignored me. Steve groaned and went to touch his busted face.

"No, don't touch it." Dustin said, gently holding Steve's hand and putting it down. Steve looked at him and Dustin smiled "Hey buddy," He sushed him.

"He's not a baby." I said. I looked down at Steve "Hey Steve, do you have brain damage?"

"Ok," Lucas said looking at the map "You're gonna keep straight for half a mile, then make a left on Mount Sinai."

"What's going on?" Steve asked, sluring from the brain damage. He saw Max driving "Oh my god."

"Steve." Dustin said calmly "Just relax. She's driven before."

"Apparently." I said.

Dustin shot me a look "Not helping."

Steve started freaking out and Dustin tried to calm him down. Then, because she's smart, Max decided to full speed and Steve started freaking out even more.

"I told you he'd freak out." Mike said.

I leaned forward "Hey Max, uh, maybe slow down a little. We got a stressed out mom who's had a long day in the back here." I pionted to Steve with my thumb.

"EVERYBODY SHUT UP!" Max screamed "I'm trying to focus!"

I held up my hands and leaned back.

"Oh, that's Mount Sinai." Lucas said pointing "Make a left."

"What?" Max looked at him.

"Make a left!" Lucas repeated.

Max swerved and took out someone's mail box. We all screamed as she sped up again and kept going. She went straight through a sign and skid to a stop. We were all still screaming when that happened. Once we realised we stopped we started to calm down.

"I told you." Max smirked "Zoomer."

"Still not a thing." I said.

We got out and opened the boot. We started grabbing our stuff and gearing up, putting on goggles and gloves and masks. Steve groaned and fell out the car onto the floor.

"Guys," He said weakly. He managed to get up and leaned against the car for support "Oh, no, guys."

Mike grabbed a can of gasoline and made his way towards the massive hole Hopper had dug when he went in the tunnels.

"Hey," Steve said normally "Where do you think you're going?" Mike ignored him "What are you deaf!? Hello? We are not going down there right now! I made myself clear! Hey, there is no chance we're going in that hole, all right?"

"What like I was going in your mothers hole last night?" I said as I walked past him, holding my own can in one hand and matches in the other.

Steve rolled his eyes "This ends RIGHT NOW!"

I rolled my eyes and headed down the hole "So dramatic."

"Steve." Dustin said "You're upset, I know. But the bottom line is a party member requires assistance and it is our duty to provide that assistance. Now I know you promised Nance that you would keep us safe. So keep us safe."

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