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We rode back, Eleven sat behind me on the bike. We went in the back door and sat down in the basement. We let Eleven clean up in the bathroom and I helped her. I finished wiping her face and smiled.

"There, all done."

She looked at herself in the mirror. After a moment she ran a hand over her head. I stepped closer.

"You're still pretty without it. Prettier maybe."

She looked at me "Realy?"

I nodded "Really. I-I think you're                            

It was at that moment I realised how close we were, and how close our faces were. I felt mine flush. I looked down and bit my lip.

"I think you're pretty too, Y/n."

My eyes gazed down to her lips. I leant forward slightly could have swore El didn't the same.

"Guy!" Dustin slammed the door open and made us both flinch.

"Jesus Dustin! We were having a moment." I stepped away slightly, moment gone.

"Sorry just, its Lucas. I think he's in trouble."

He turned and we followed. Mike was holding his supercomm to his ear, trying to listen.

"Remember what Lucas said, that he was looking for the gate?"

"Oh fuck, yeah. I forgot." I said, embarrassed slightly.

Mike nodded "I think he found it."

"But he said he wouldn't go in without us!"

"Then explain this." Mike gave me the supercomm and I listened. In between the static I heard Lucas shouting, but I couldn't make out what "What's he saying?"

"I don't know! He's way out of range." Dustin sighed irritatedly.

I looked at El then remembered. She was drained as. I quickly forgot the idea and spoke into the supercomm.

"Lucas? Lucas can you hear me?"

"You're supposed to say do you copy?" Mike said.

"I don't think that matters right now, Mike."

"Yes! I can hear you!" He siad something eles but it was to garbled by static.

"Ok Lucas, slow down we can't understand you." Mike said into the supercomm as I held it out for all of us to hear.

"Mad hen?" Dustin reapeted "Dose that mean anything to you?"

"Obviously that's not what he said." I snapped "Lucas, slow the fuck down. Key words, slow voice. What's up?"

"The bad. Men. Are. Coming."

"Bad men? Did you say bad men?"


"Ok we copy." I said looking at Mike and Dustin.

"Stay here." Mike said to Eleven before running up the stairs. Dustin rushed after him.

"Guy!" I yelled after them "We don't have time for this we have to get Eleven out of here!" I looked at her "It'll be fine, don't worry about it. Call me if he says anything eles important."

I put the supercomm down on the table and ran after Mike and Dustin. I found them looking out the window.

"You don't think," Dustin was saying.

Just as I caught up Mike ran off. I looked at Dustin.

"What?" I asked.

Be pionted and I saw a a van parked outside with 'Hawkins, power and light' written on the side. We shared a look of knowing and I shut the curtains.

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