Nightmare Fuel

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So we went to find Jonathan and Nancy. We ran up he stairs, yelled for them, and found Jonathan trying to break a window into a room.Without any explanation El nodded and the door flew off its hinges.

Inside was nightmare fuel. Bad nightmare fuel. Give me even worse PTSD nightmare fuel. Lots of teeth, pulsating ball of skin dripping blood nightmare fuel. Spider looking fucker nightmare fuel. Very loud screamy nightmare fuel.

"Jesus." Mike said.

"What the fuck?" Max said.

It came for us and Eleven screamed, extending a hand. Nightmare Fuel flew into the wall, them the other wall. Then the ceiling then the floor.

Eleven grabbed the doorframe for support as the creature got up. It screamed and Eleven screamed back. She extended both hands and it flew out the window on the far wall.

"Nancy." Jonathan said, heading inside.

I did the same and looked out the window. In the car park, Nightmare Fuel was melting into a pool of bloody goo.

"Come on!" Mike yelled.

I turned and ran with the others. We ran outside, Jonathan and Nancy caught up with us at some point, and we burst into the car park. El put her arms out infront of us and we skidded to a stop infront of it.

Nightmare Fuel had turned into a weird pulsating liquidy goop. As it moved it left a trail of blood behind it. It moved, I don't know how, over to a drain and went down it. Leaving only a few bloody bones that wouldn't fit through the bars.

"Well that was disgusting." I said. I put a hand on Els shoulder. "You okay?"

She nodded, breathing hard and wiped the blood off her face.

We headed back to Els house. We decided before anything else we needed to find where the Mind Flayer/Nightmare Fuel were hiding, so El went to look in her room. Half an hour later she was still looking.

"Are we sure this is a good idea?" I asked, pacing.

"Y/n you need to relax." Max said.

"Max, the world is ending, we almost died a few minutes ago, half the team is MIA, and I'm worried about El. So don't tell me to relax please." I kept pacing. "Using her powers is bad for her, that's the bottom line. I mean obviously there's the nose bleeds but also, when we first met, she straight up passed out after looking in the Upside Down. I thought she died."

"Well good thing she's not eleven anymore." Max said. "Oh,"

I almost laughed. "My point still stands. She has her limits. We don't know what happens when she crosses them. She could get brain damage or something."

"Oh shit." Lucas said. "Is that a real thing?"

"No." Max said. "She doesn't know what the hell she's talking about."

"And you do?" I snapped. "This whole time you've been acting like your best friends but this is the most time you've spent together ever. That's saying something."

"Saying what?" Max asked loudly.

"That I know her better than you do and so I'm better to say when she should stop. She's not a machine, she's a person. She can't just go forever and ever same as you and me. She's a human being, why can't people see that?"

"I do see her as a human." Max argued. "And I think you'll find El is best to say when she should stop. It's her choice."

"I know it's her choice." I said. "Of course I know that. Don't make me seem bad when you're the one who made her spy on us."

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