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The flight was long, and by the time I got to California my ass had all but gone numb. I grabbed my bag, stretched and joined the slow, awkward crowd shuffling their way off the plane. I pulled my headphones off and looked around as I entered the lobby.



I dropped my bags and ran over to her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her. I didn't give a solid shit about the fact I was a girl kissing a girl in the middle of an airport, I just fucking missed my girlfriend.

We pulled away and I kept my arms around her, she had hers around my shoulders. I rested my forehead against hers. We were both smiling.

"I missed you so much." I breathed.

"I missed you too." She said.

"Oh, my god. I almost forgot." I pulled away and held out my hand. "Uh, they're flowers. From Hawkins. You said in your last letter that you missed them so I thought I'd get you some. You know? Uh..."

"They're perfect. Thank you." She took them and held them to her chest.

I nodded and saw him. "Will!"

I walked over and we hugged tightly.

"Oh my god. Hi." I said once I pulled away, by then my cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling so much.

"Hi." He said.

"Okay so I k ow I haven't written to you as much as I have El and I'm sorry about that but we have to catch up. Like, now." I said.

Will nodded. "Okay. Yeah."

"Hey Y/n." Jonathan said, since I had last seen him his hair had  grown out.

"Hey Jonathan." I said. I looked the guy beside him. He had long black hair and smelled like weed. If your wondering how I know what weed smells like Eddie smokes it. "You must be Argyle?"

"Yeah man." Argyle nodded. He stepped closer and hugged me. Stunned, I hugged him back loosely. He pulled away and nodded.

"Okay. Shall we go?" Jonathan said.

"Yeah this is kinda awkward man." Argyle said.

"Don't worry about it." I walked back over my bag and grabbed it. I walked back to the group and took El's hand as we walked out.

"I have our whole day planned." El said. "First, El Rodeo for burritos."

"Okay." I said, laughing a little. "Burritos for breakfast. I could do that."

"Yes. Trust me." El nodded.

"Hey, I always trust you Pretty Girl." I said. El blushed. "Okay so what's next?"

"I want to go to Rink-O-Mania." El said.

"Rink-O-Mania. Right. Cool." I nodded. "Remind me what that is."

"It's the most fun place in Lenora." El said. "They have skating and games."

"Like roller skating?" I asked. El nodded. "Alright. I've always wanted to try that. You're gonna have to teach me though. So uh, when am I gonna meet your friends?"

"Friends? What- what friends?" Will asked.

El shoved the flowers at him. "You know, Stacey and Angela."

"Angela?" Will asked.

"Don't you know them?" I asked him. Before he could reply El kept talking.

"You'll meet them, I promise. Just not today. I want today to be about me and you."

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