Mind Flayer

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The Demogorgons were long gone by the time we left the bus. Very confused, we spit balled a few ideas as to why they left. We decided something must have called them off, meaning they follow orders meaning they have a leader which is bad. For some god awful idea we decided to follow them. I was against the idea but majority vote said to do it. So we followed the Demogorgons.

We were walking down the railroad track again, all shining torches everywhere and listening out for anything.

"You're positive that was Dart?" Lucas asked.

"Yes. He had the exact same yellow pattern on his butt."

"He was tiny two days ago." Max said behind us.

"Well, he's molted three times already."

"How much longer do you think until he's fully grown?" I asked "And like, eight foot tall?"

"Eight feet?!" Max repeated.

"I'd say a day or two." Dustin siad calmly, ignoring Max "Maybe. Might take longer."

"Great." I said, kicking a stick "Two days and we're back to where we were last summer. Except this time we don't have a bitch with superpowers to help us."

"You mean El?" Max asked.

"Yeah, Y/n's girlfriend." Dustin said.

"She's not my girlfriend. She never was and still isn't."

"Can we not focus on your love life right now?" Lucas asked "We have bigger things."

"Well your love life seemed pretty important since you broke the Rule of Law for it." I shone my torch at Max "You told her."

"That's not love life." Lucas said "And you wanted to as well."

"But we didn't." Me and Dustin said.

"Hey guys," Steve said, walking off the tracks "You hear that?"

It sounded like sirens. Weird sirens, far off in the distance. After exchanging looks we went in that direction.

"Hey guys," Max called after us "Guys why are you going towards the sound? Guys!"

Max followed us. After a while, as well as the sirens we heard screeching. Familiar screeching. We reached a clearing in the woods at the top of a hill.

"I don't see him." Dusti said.

"Probably cuz it's the middle of the night and fogy." I told him.

Lucas looked with his binoculars "It's the lab."

"Ah shit." I maoned.

"We shouldn't be surprised." Dustin said.

"Yet we are." I started down the hill "Come on. Maybe we'll pick up another super-kid."

So we headed down to Hawkins lab. As we approached we noticed somethings weird. Like, the lights were all off, and there were no gaurds, or anything. It's like it was abandoned. We made our way round the fence looking for the gates.

"Hello?" Someone called "Whos there?"

We left the woods and saw Nancy Wheeler, and Jonathan Byers.

"Steve?" They both asked when they saw him.

"Hey Nancy." I waved "Hey Jonathan."

"What are you doing here?" Steve asked as we walked towards eachother.

"We're looking for Mike and Will." Nancy said.

"We're hunting a pack of Demogorgons." I said.

"Demogorgons?" Jonathan looked down at me "As in, plural?"

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