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What I saw when we found Nina was not what I expected: one helicopter, four military off raod trucks, and a shit ton of dead people. Also, said helicopter appeared to have a gun aimed at what looked suspiciously like my girlfriend.

Jonathan honked the horn and I hit him.

"What are you doing!?" I yelled.

"Distracting them!" Jonathan yelled.

"Yo what are those dude doing on the ground?!" Argyle yelled.

"They're dead!" I yelled. "It's not our problem! We gotta get El, and get out. Drop me off, distract whoever, and pick us up when you come back around!"

I looked back outside and saw El, stood with her hand in the air. A second later the helicopter started to lean and tilt in the air.

"Holy shit," I said.

The helicopter moved more drastically. Spinning round and round while the guy inside shot whenever he could. It went up, El held out both hands, and it slammed down into the ground. It exploded on impact. El collapsed onto her knees.

"Out the fucking car," I said, grabbing the door handle.

Jonathan stopped behind her and I jumped out. I ran over to her fast as I could and fell to my knees infront of her.

"El! Oh my god El." I held her face. Her nose was bleeding. Her head was shaved. And she had a weird collar around her neck. "Holy shit El. Your hair. Your- what is that? What happened? Are you okay? Jesus christ what happened to you?"

El didn't answer, just wrapped her arms around me. I hugged her back, tight as I could and didn't let go.

"Are you okay?" I asked between breaths.

"Yes." She breathed. "Yes I'm okay. Are you?"

I pulled away and looked at her. "I'm fine. You're the ones who's been missing for days. Jesus christ," I held her face and kissed her. I pulled away and rested my forehead against hers. "I love you, but you are an idiot."

El smiled, crying and looked around. She saw Will and put an arm around me. She stood, I helped her, and she walked over to her brother. They hugged and both cried, I was tearing up myself.

Meanwhile Argyle was having another breakdown about the many dead people all around us.

"Hey guys." Jonathan said. "We gotta go."

I looked around and sighed, it turned into a small sob. "Yeah. Probably a good idea."

There was soft click and El's hands went to her neck. She pulled the collar off and looked over at one of the body's.

"Holy shit." I said. "Is that... Brenner?"

El dropped the collar and walked over to him, I followed behind her. El crouched infront of him and I stood behind her, staring down at him with both confusion and hatred. Up close, I saw he'd been shot about three times.

"Papa." El said quietly.

"Eleven." He said nothing for a minute, just breathed heavily. "I want you to know... I'm proud of you. So very proud. You... are my family. My child."

He reached up and El leaned down, letting him hold her face. She took his hand in hers.

"I've only ever... wanted to help you. To protect you. Everything I did, I did for you. I need you to understand. Please tell me you understand."

Eleven said nothing. She looked at me over her shoulder then back at Brenner.

"Please." He said.

Again she said nothing. Gently, she put his hand down and stood.

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