High School, Yay!

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I hated high school. I know right, so original. But not just because it was high school, but because we were the freaks again. We had escaped Troy and James and all the other shitheads in primary, though given how I've almost died half a million times at the age of fifteen I didn't really care about them anymore.

We voted on it, and decided to reign in our respective reasons to be bullied. That didn't work. Day one, Dustin broke and went full nerd in science class. After that we all just unraveled and the next thing we knew, we were toothless, frogface and queer again. Although no one called us that at least, they just made of us in a more mature way.
Because yay! High school.

Lucas was the only one who stuck to the plan. He joined the basketball team. I found it personally offensive to our nerdyness but he stayed on it. Traitor.

But then, the heavens opened and our lord and savior came through in the form of a metal head still in school at twenty cause he's kinda an idiot. Eddie 'The Freak' Muson, as he was called. Badass name if you ask me.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Morning routines, they're a shitshow. Over my many tears of monsters hunting and death defying I had learned to operate better under the cover of darkness at 2am. Useful against Demogorgons, not so useful against high school.

So I fixed my sleep schedule as much as I could, resulting in me being up at six am rereading El's last letter. Because recently her phone was always busy and stealing Dustins Cerebro was easier said than done. So we wrote.

Dear Y/n

Today is day 185, feels more like ten years. Joyce says time is funny like that. Emotions can make it speed up or slow down. We are all time-travelers if you think about it. For example, this week is going very fast. I think it is because I'm so busy. I have to make something called a visual aid. I hope Mrs. Gracey will give me an A.

Some exciting news. Joyce got an amazing new job. She gets to work at home. She days she loves the freedom.

Will is painting a lot, but he won't show me what he's working on. Maybe it is for a girl. I think there is someone he likes, because he has been acting weird.

Jonathan is acting weird also. I think he is just nervous about college. He is still waiting for his big letter. I hope he and Nancy get to go together. But I don't know how he'll ever get to college because his car is still broken.

His funny friend Argyle had been taking us to school. His hair is longer than mine. And he and Jonathan like to smoke smelly plants together. Jonathan says the plants are super safe because they come from the earth, but to not tell Joyce.

Me? I am twice as happy now. You were right. It just takes time. I think I have finally adapted.

At first, I missed all the spring flowers, but now I find it pretty here too. I even like school now. I am still best at math, but my grammar is getting good now also. It helps that everyone is so nice here. I have made lots of friends. Even so, I am ready for spring break, mostly because I get to see you. I am so excited to see you it is hard to breathe. Are you excited too? I think you will love it here like me. I think we will have the best spring break ever.

I hope my spelling was better this time. Miss you.

Love, El.

I smiled at the letter, than got pissed I couldn't write back. I left for California tomorrow, 6:30 am, there was no way the letter would get there before me.

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