Chapter 5

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Penelope's POV

I stayed overnight at my dad's house since it was late anyway and I had a few too many drinks. I was pissed at Harrison for ruining a good day we had. For once it was like us again and he had to put me last and his stupid self first.

The next morning, I woke up pretty late and got myself showered and dressed. Robyn gave me some of her clothes to wear since I never packed anything. She wore very boring stuff but hey, it worked for me and the terrible mood I was in.

"Good morning sunshine." My dad says kissing my head as he put his arms around me. "I do miss you living at mine and me nagging you about a curfew."

"Dad please that was a million years ago. Did you forget I even graduated from college?"

"And youre a married woman and everything." Robyn adds on and I chuckle.

"With all the noise yesterday and people it was too busy to talk to you." He says. "Oh God." I say knowing where this was going. My dad didnt like Harrison very much. It appeared nobody did from my world.

My dad saw me crying once and a bruise on my arm and fucking lost it. Since then its been difficult keeping peace.

"I just want you to be happy."

"Well dad I want me to be happy to." I say and he chuckles.

"You want to take the dogs for a walk?" He asks and I nod.

That evening, I still have not heard from Harrison as I had dinner with my father. He was playing mind games with me and it pissed me the fuck off. He thinks Im going to check on him and find out if he is ok?

"I'm going back home tomorrow." I tell my dad who sat down with his drink.

"You are?"

"Yes. I dont live here dad remember?" I say and he chuckles.

"Hey. There is a guy for you at the door?" Robyn says and I wonder who that is. I didnt know anyone out here. I walk outside and see Taylor standing next to a Mercedes.

"Taylor." I say looking my husbands assistant.

"Hey Penelope." He says pushing his glasses up his nose. "I came to drop this off for you." He says handing me the keys. It was a white brand new Mercedes shining and everything.

"Whats this?"

"Harrison asked me to deliver it to you. So you could drive it back home?"

"He couldnt just send my car?" I ask confused. Well this was a grand apology. What could I do to piss him off? Scratch it up? But it was so beautiful. He knew I loved Mercedes the bastard.

"He told me to also tell you that he is in Atlanta and is returning tomorrow." He adds and I nod. "Thank you Taylor. Do you want to come in for some tea? Food?"

"Oh no, my ride is waiting for me." He says as he nods at me and rushes to the car parked out the road getting in. "Okay." I mumble as I look at my dad who appeared.

"Well if Harrison isnt a great husband." He teases me and I roll my eyes.

The next morning, I hug my dad and Robyn goodbye before I set off back home. The drive was nice, gave me time to think. What did I even want to happen? I guess Harrison did try and he came all the way. I did marry this busy man and I was not sure what I was expecting.

I walk into my house and check the mail. I see the fresh roses on the kitchen table and read the card.

"I love you and miss you. H."

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