Chapter 34

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Penelope's POV

One week later.

"Are you going to this?" I ask Stassie over the phone.

"You mean to my son's cousin's 9th birthday party?" She laughs. I put Ruby down finishing her hair and she runs away straight away.

"Ugh. Is it bad if I send the kids with you? I do not want to see Harrison." I say

"Yes. Are you guys still fighting?" She says and I sigh. I have not seen Harrison much. He has picked up the kids and would text me days and times when he would have them. He was being so petty it was unreal. It was always just his way. Always so fucking stubborn and confusing. One minute were supposed to get married again and the next he ignores me and disappears on me.

I knew about the birthday party some weeks ago but I forgot about it until Harrison sent me the invites with no other words. He said he would take them first but I wanted to be petty and claim my day with the kids. I wasnt showing up alone without my kids to Ashley-James birthday? Besides? I kind of like that kid. He is my kids's brother.

"I have no clue. He is just ignoring me pissed off that I have a job now."

"Or you have a career now." She says. "But I havent seen you either in million years? Youre really killing yourself. Do I have to throw a party to spend time with you?"

"Well atleast now we can judge that Louisa woman together." I say and she laughs. "Ill see you soon."

"Riley! I just put you into this shirt?" I sigh as I see he had found a chocolate bar and it is all over his face and chest. I was exhausted from work from last night. I was fast becominga growing business and it was spreading nation wide. I wasnt the freaking best at the business and I was drowning left right and centre. I was so close to getting some advise from my mother but I didnt want to open that can of worms.

Finally after 5 attempts I get the kids in the car and were on our way late as fuck.

I put Riley down holding his hand as I held Ruby. We walk into the place filled with balloons. It was huge. Ofcourse it was. It was Harrison's child.

"Hey...." I say seeing Stassie with William eating a cupcake. "Hi." She says as William picks up Riley kissing his cheeks. "Hi P. How are you?" William asks hugging me.

"Tired? You?" I ask him and he chuckles. "Good good. They are running a kid play thing over there that Christopher probably loves more than us at the moment." He says and Stassie laughs.

"He would probably choose a chocolate cookie over us." She says

"Where is Harrison?" I ask and he nods his direction. I look at Harrison who was talking to Louisa and some people ive never met before or seen before. Harrison seemed to have a smile on his face and having a good time with Louisa. A peng of jealousy ran through me knowing that they will be forever connected just like how I was with him but hers seemed different. He was just relaxed as she smiled at him and he was looking at her enjoying her company?

What if he just went and formed a relationship with her? They were already a freaking family over there. I knew I didnt want to lose Harrison. Thats for sure?

There were loads of people and kids here. She was one popular cookie. I see Ashley-James running around who I wave at. He runs over and hugs me and the kids. He was so lovely.

"Hi birthday boy." I say. "Hi!" He smiles. "Do you like the party? Its so cool." He says. "Can I take Riley and Ruby to dad?" He says and I nod.

"Yeah." I say unsure if I should release them into the party with a 9 year old. "Ill come with you." William says seeing my hesitation. He takes Ruby's hand who walked over with him to Harrison.

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