Four: Panic

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"Jin o!" I heard Yoongi's voice from all the way across the school field, where he was warming up for rehearsals with the soccer team

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"Jin o!" I heard Yoongi's voice from all the way across the school field, where he was warming up for rehearsals with the soccer team.

He waved at me and started to jog over. I'd been on the bleachers, listening to songs on my phone and reading a Korean classic I'd borrowed from the Library.

Despite him jogging, Yoongi still managed to get to me in seconds. I wasn't surprised. He was the captain of the soccer team, he was definitely in good shape, unlike me. I never run unless something was chasing me.

"Hey," he said, breathing completely fine. Not heaving or trying to catch his breath. It reminded me how much I needed to work out more. Or even just run. Or maybe, jog. "How's it going?"

I shrugged. "Just sitting here, jealous of all the talent over there," I said, nodding my head to the side of the field he'd come from.

He chuckled. "There's nothing to be jealous of. You, my friend, are the real talent which is why I need your help."

"With what?"

"So, I purchased the ticket for the student body president position."

"Good. Very good, Yoongi. You'll make a wonderful president, Your Excellency," I teased.

He chuckled, scratching his head awkwardly. "Well, this student body president aspirant is having troubles coming up with anything. I don't know what steps to take. How do I win voters? How do I create awareness?"

"Yoongi, people love you at this school. You have students looking up to you. There's no more awareness needed to be created, but I understand you still have protocols to observe. Have you made posters? You could start with that."

A huge grin formed on his face and he was jumping to take a seat next to me. "You see why you're my best friend, Jin!" He better not let Namjoon hear him say that. He would tear him apart. But I guessed, if Namjoon was not in the picture, Yoongi would be my closest friend.

But I didn't want to even imagine Namjoon out of the picture.

"But I don't know the first thing about making posters, so—"

"A picture."

"I have tons of pictures! My last picture on social media had over a five hundred likes. I'm pretty famous there, you know?"

I didn't know. I deleted my social media accounts a few months ago. I hated them and the pressure they put on people to be someone they weren't. I knew it had its good sides but it was nothing new that the bad side of it outweighed the good, and I had not the time nor strength to filter through it.

"Well, as long as it's decent, we can work with that. Or you might want to put out something that the entire school population haven't already seen. You know, something new but you. Like, I don't think I have ever seen you in a suit. What do you think?"

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