Thirty-Two: Appointment

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The lake house was not the same as the one Jungkook had been in barely days ago

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The lake house was not the same as the one Jungkook had been in barely days ago. Cho's lake house had been a shack and looked like a toy. It was child's play compared to this three storey glass house with state of the art security system.

If Jungkook had had the intention of sneaking his way in, it would have taken an incredibly good hacker plus time—that he didn't have—of trying to decode whatever nutcase there was. Either way, it wouldn't have worked because the place was crawling with King's men.

Jungkook didn't have the time nor strength to play hide and seek with them. By the way, just because he hated King didn't mean he'd underestimate the man. He very well knew that King was aware of his presence.

In fact, the man had known when he'd been miles away. Jungkook had spotted his little cameras on the billboards and road markers. He'd lived around them for years to not be able to notice even the smallest of them.

King was a smart man, he was always a few steps ahead of the authorities which was why they were never able to catch him. Because he saw them first and was always prepared to take off before they got close enough to see his tire tracks.

So, Jungkook was no fool to try and make his entrance a secret. He headed straight for the gate, instantly getting surrounded by both faces he knew and the ones that had joined King's service after he'd left. They had their guns pointed at him as if he was stupid enough to try anything, yet.

He came to kill King but he wasn't going to try to kill him from the gate. He didn't even know the exact location of the man. All he knew was that King was in that house and he wasn't going to see the dawn of the next day.

Maybe Jungkook was going to die too in the whole fracas. He was fine by it, but he was taking King with him for sure.

He looked each one of the five men in the eyes, their faces darkened, angry and thirsty for something; money, power, release, freedom. Jungkook had experienced each of every feeling in the past. He'd been in the exact position as everyone of them, and he knew where their loyalty lied.

"Where is he?" He asked no one in particular, and no one responded to him. They just stared at him, fingers on the trigger, waiting for an order through their earpieces to pull. "You wouldn't want to take the pleasure of killing me from the big boss, would you now?"

"You have a lot of guts showing up here like this," One of them gritted out, glaring at him. Jungkook recognized him. Bible. He'd once saved the big, brooding Thai man from a bullet to the eye after he'd been caught by King staring at Jungkook's bare chest, a few years back. But there he was, pointing a gun at his savior.

Jungkook almost laughed at it. But he understood the line of business they were into. There was no loyalty among thieves. Their loyalties lied elsewhere.

"Hi, Bible. You look well," Jungkook acknowledged in feigned fondness. "The boss must be treating you well."

"You know I could shoot you right now."

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