Nineteen: Goat

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There was a bleating Goat tied to Namjoon's car

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There was a bleating Goat tied to Namjoon's car.

When I woke up in the morning, the first thing I had done was go online to check if Mr. Cho had gone through with his threats about Hoseok. The man was a psychopath, so I had expected to meet a bunch of lies and rumours in a bid to tarnish Hoseok's image.

But I hadn't found any, shockingly and thankfully. Maybe he realized it wasn't worth something so extreme as destroying the life of an innocent person. Maybe he decided to wait and not act so speedily which would give us time to catch him before he did something reckless again.

Whichever one it was, I was glad to not have found anything implicating or damaging. The only news online were in praise of Hoseok's band, BRAG, which was more than satisfying to me.

But seeing this Goat—big brown bleating Goat—had taken away every feeling of relief and had deposited, instead, a panic in my body. There was no one around, no note anywhere but I knew it was him.

This Goat was a message telling us that he knew Namjoon was here. I'd advised against the car because it was a dead giveaway. It was like waving a freaking flag and announcing he was here.

But Namjoon had protested. He'd said not taking one of his cars was like taking away his freedom. A car promised him the freedom he sought. So, after dropping us off yesterday, Jungkook had gone back to Namjoon's father's house to bring one of Namjoon's flashy cars and along with it, unwanted attention.

The people in my neighborhood were not early risers, and for the first time, I was grateful I was one of the only two people in it that went to school, which meant it was still empty at this time of the morning.

I couldn't go back into my house or mum would suspect and Aunt Soohyun had a stomach ache so she wasn't coming out of the house anytime soon.

I quickly dialed Namjoon's number and when he picked, I asked him to get outside as fast as he could. He was still mourning his dead relationship but we had a bigger problem to worry about. I stood by the side of the house, so my mother wouldn't see me from any of the windows and waited for Namjoon to come out in order for us to figure out what to do.

In less than two minutes, Namjoon was slipping through the door in a yellow oversized onesie and crocs. He looked irritated that I'd interrupted his sleep but the Goat made a sound, diverting his attention and altering his mood.

His mouth flew open in shock and soon, he was bending over laughing his heart out. So much for appreciating the emptiness of the street, his laugh was going to bring everyone outside.

"Who tied a fucking Goat to my car?" He asked, gesturing towards the animal like I didn't see it before. He started to walk towards it, clicking his tongue at it.

"Who else do you think would do something so psychotic?" I asked in a whisper, going to meet him by his car.

He squatted in front of the Goat, and started to path it gently. Although, his gesture spooked it and the Goat bleated even loudly, sidestepping around Namjoon's car.

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