Fifteen: Allergies

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"I'm not okay with you leaving

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"I'm not okay with you leaving. That bastard is out there somewhere," Jungkook said with a frown.

"He's not going to hurt me," I said in a reassuring tone to him, even though I didn't even believe my words.

"You don't know how these people think."

I gave him a teasing smile and raised a brow. "And you do?"

He licked his lips, his gaze shifting from mine momentarily. "Unfortunately, yes. Which is why I'm strongly against you leaving. Just stay here," he said. "With me," he added a little calmer. "Please."

"I wish I could," I said, touching his face, he leaned into my touch, eyes shutting for a second. And really I wished I could stay with him. Honestly, I'd feel saner. "But I can't."

"Why? Your mother? Let me handle it," he urged almost convincingly. But I knew my mother, and whatever Jungkook believed he could say to her that would make her let me stay with him, it would not work.

"You don't know my mother. She's almost as stubborn as you are," I teased, heading for the door.

"She will understand when I talk to her," he continued.

"I don't want to bring my family into this. My mum is going through her own stuff," I said, the image of the dark circles around her puffy red eyes imprinted in my head.

It was past eight in the evening and I'd spent the remainder of the day with Jungkook after he had told me about Mr. Cho. Sometimes, I felt like I was being too available by spending so much time with him and he could easily get tired of me.

But then I looked at him and my stomach does this weird dance at how he was looking at me and I tell myself there was no way he could ever be tired of me. At least, I hoped.

When I reached the door, I slipped into my shoes and pulled the handle open. Someone was standing outside there in a black mask and black outfit, holding a bottle in his hand. I didn't have enough time to process the danger that it spelled before he was spraying whatever the content of the bottle was in my face.

The liquid stung my eyes and I let out a deep scream, stumbling backwards into the apartment. Jungkook was at my side in an instant. "Jin!" He called, taking my face in his hands.

But I pulled away, cradling my face in pain. My eyes were on fire and my entire face stung. I gestured frantically towards the door, not sure it was even the right direction.

But I hoped he would understand what I was trying to say and chase after whoever that was. I felt him zip past me as I groaned in pain.

My throat felt tight, as I let out a series of strained cough. What the hell had he sprayed on me?! It took me a moment to get to the kitchen because the stinging in my eyes and face almost felt unbearable.

I pulled out the hose from the sink and sprayed myself with water. My face, my body, the floor, I didn't care in that moment. I just wanted the pain to stop. I couldn't open my eyes, it hurt to much, but I knew I had to get water in it to rinse of whatever pungent thing had gotten into it.

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