Eight: Sign

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The Cherry tree in my dream had black petals

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The Cherry tree in my dream had black petals. It was snowing, every inch of the floor had been covered with the white snow but ontop the snow were tiny black contrasting petals.

It had been two days since Hoseok had confessed to me, and I'd had the same recurring dream every night. Faceless people dressed in black, laughing at me, a single hand shovelling sand over me as it rained—but last night, it had been snow instead of sand and black petals instead of rain.

I woke up feeling empty and confused. I wondered what the recurring dream was, if it was a sign and what it was saying. But I couldn't figure it out. It was driving me to insanity.

That morning mum wanted me to go to church with her to help decorate for their tenth anniversary which was taking place the next day.

She still gave me looks like she felt something was up with me but I always smiled around her and acted like I was perfectly fine. Maybe I was acting too much because I wasn't supposed to be fine. I was supposed to be dejected but I made her believe otherwise. Although, I wasn't certain she bought it. She just didn't say anything.

As soon as I got out of the bathroom that morning, I coated my body with lotion to help hide the redness from my hot shower. I took my time dressing up before heading out to meet her.

When we got to the church there were already a few people there, cleaning up the place, pumping balloons, wiping down the pews and hanging up decorations. Since I was tall, Deacon Mark put me and a few other people on ribbon duty.

Usually, I'd have looked for an excuse to get out of here but I was more than happy to be there. More than happy to take my mind off things as the two ladies in my team who were cutting the ribbons talked about a girl whom they found out was dating a married man in the church. They were both certain she'd turn up pregnant before July.

In the middle of activities, I received a text from Jungkook. We spoke every day on phone but we hadn't seen since the day at the perfume store when he'd pulled me into the bathroom stall and blown my mind away.

The truth was, I'd intentionally not gone to see him. He had wanted to come pick me up from school yesterday but I'd told him I had to tutor some classmates.

But in reality, I was avoiding him because I was terrified of how fast my heart raced in his presence, how badly my body ached for him and how much my soul sought him. Even when we weren't together I thought about Jungkook way more than I wanted to. I was afraid of my feelings and how quickly they were developing for him.

For the rest of my stay at the church, my attention was divided. I tried to concentrate on every task I was handed but my thoughts always went back to his text: I want to see you. I miss you. And it would cause my mouth to go dry and my stomach to feel fuzzy.

I busied myself with my own duty, throwing in a remark or two in the different topics of conversation the ladies with me were having. I didn't want to leave my mind open and blank, so after I was done with hanging balloons, I joined another group to tie ribbons.

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