Six: Cure

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"Where were you last night?" Namjoon asked, throwing clothes into a backpack—picking up, sniffing, throwing aside or in the bag

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"Where were you last night?" Namjoon asked, throwing clothes into a backpack—picking up, sniffing, throwing aside or in the bag.

I still wasn't ready for Namjoon's reaction when he found out I'd been with Jungkook, so rather than respond to his question, I asked, "Why are you packing a bag?"

The frown etched on his face from concentration instantly shifted and transformed into a smile, blush and lip bite. "You remember chef guy?"

"Who?" I grabbed a pair of white socks and took a seat at the edge of my bed to wear them. It was past seven and I was getting ready to go to school. Namjoon had showed up a few minutes ago with a bag and started to throw some of his clothes—and mine—into it.

"The guy I met at the Library after you ditched me. I told you," he accused, looking every bit disappointed that I didn't remember the nineteenth guy he had told me about this month. He rolled his eyes. "Anyways, we're going camping."

I stopped wearing my sock halfway and looked sideways, where he was pulling one of my sweatshirts from a hanger. "You're going camping with this chef guy you met, what, yesterday? Are you crazy?"

He shrugged. "What's the big deal? By the ways, he's really harmless. Marshmallow looking guy," he said, trying to sound convincing.

"Marshmallow looking guy could be a serial killer." I knew I was sounding like a hypocrite but Namjoon could be really clueless. And this dude could just be taking advantage of him. Who suggests going camping just after a few days of meeting?

Again, a hypocrite, I know. But just because I did something reckless for the first time in my life didn't mean Namjoon would do it and get away with it.

"Chef guy isn't a serial killer, Jin. He actually goes to church. Ah! Your mum's friend, Reverend Mark, would really like him."

"Deacon Mark," I corrected, still watching him throw more clothes into the bag. Then he zipped it, slung the strap over his shoulder and turned to me with a satisfied smile. "You're really going?"

"It's just camping. By the ways, we're not going to be the only ones there. So, if he tries anything remotely out of line, I'll shout," he said boldly like that was going to stop anyone from stabbing him in the throat with a stick or something.

"I still don't think it's a good idea. What if he—"

"Nothing, Jin. Relax. Breathe. You're way too uptight. Maybe if you'd loosen up a bit, you'll be going camping with your own boyfriend, too." He stuck his tongue out at me and headed for the door. "Hurry, so I can drop you off at school before heading over to chef guy's house."

I didn't know what else to say. I tried to think of a way to stop him from doing something so stupid and reckless but nothing came to mind. Eventually, I asked, "Doesn't chef guy have a name?" But he was already thudding down the steps.

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