One: Admirer

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Namjoon ran past me

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Namjoon ran past me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me with him, so I was running too, almost falling over, for a reason I didn't know.

"What is chasing you?" I asked, wanting to stop because he definitely looked like the thing chasing him was not that bad.

"Just run, Jin! Run!" He laughed, letting go of my hand.

I followed him. Namjoon was faster but I wasn't a horrible runner so I was directly behind him while he kept looking over his shoulder.

We manuerved and meandered through the busy street and soon I was almost losing Namjoon until I caught sight of him dashing into a music store.

The bell hooked to the top of the frame chimed as I rushed through it and I spotted Namjoon duck into an isle. What the hell? He was still laughing. My head spiraled with what nonsense he must have done that had him laughing and running.

He was bent over, peeking through the small space above the cds in the shelves when I finally caught up to him.

"Did he see us come in?" Namjoon asked, his eyes darting from me to the door.

"Who?" I asked confused following his gaze to the door. I hadn't seen anyone at all. I didn't even have any idea if it was a human or an animal that had been chasing Namjoon.

"What did you do?" I asked, once I had caught my breath.

Namjoon grinned, his chest rising and falling heavily. He was still peeking through the partition, then he stood up straight. "That friend, the one I went to say hi to?"

"Yeah?" I nodded impatiently, crossing my arms over my chest.

"He isn't just a friend, " he explained, licking his lips.

I shook my head. I should have known. The way Namjoon smiled at that guy and automatically excused himself had been suspicious. Then they had disappeared for a couple of minutes before Namjoon had appeared from nowhere running like his ass was on fire.

"He also happens to be married, " he said and it all made sense to me.

"You're having an affair with a married guy?!" I gasped, eyes as wide as saucers as I stared at him in disbelief.

"How was I supposed to know? He wasn't wearing a ring! Plus he came on to me, and you know I hate saying no to people, " he said, defensively. Stupidly. I wanted to slap the shit out of him.

"Okay." I nodded, looking around the store. "Woah, SZA's new album is out. Give me a few bucks, " I said stretching out my hand.

"What?" Namjoon frowned then swatted my hand away. "No!"

"You see! You do know how to say no!" I accused, pointing at him.

"Look," he shook his head, "It's not as simple or as rebellious as it seems, okay? He looked pretty decent. Plus it's all your fault!"

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