Twenty-Five: Late

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Jin couldn't breathe

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Jin couldn't breathe.

As much as he tried to draw it in, as much as Jungkook's spacious aircon penthouse apartment went and was fully ventilated, he couldn't draw in enough air to fill his lungs. His breathing hitched and his eyes burned with tears but he couldn't breathe and he couldn't bring himself to cry.

Jungkook knelt beside him, hands holding Jin's face urging him to let go of his fears and let in the air, because despite the number of times he'd seen men lose their breaths for various unthinkable reasons, seeing Jin struggle like that made him hurt in a way he didn't think was possible.

"Listen to my voice, baby," He urged, one hand raking soothing fingers through Jin's hair, while the other tapped his face continuously.

Jin gasped some more and tears fell from his eyes but still he struggled to breathe. It was a torture. Jungkook wasn't sure what happened or how he hadn't noticed it before it happened but he felt water gush from on top drenching his entire body, knocking the air out of him as well.

"He'll be fine now," He heard the same time he looked up to see Jimin with an empty bowl in his hand.

"He had a fucking panic attack, you imbecile!"

Jimin shrugged. The damage was already done. By the way, his way seemed to work faster than whatever Jungkook was mumbling to Jin. "What happened?"

Jungkook ignored Jimin and focused his attention back on Jin, who was taking deep breaths now. He shook as he sucked in air hungrily, then he turned to Jungkook and hugged him tight without as much as a word or a sound other than that of his strained breathing.

"Am I missing something?" Jimin asked again.

Jungkook shot Jimin a glare. "Not now."

Jimin nodded his understanding before taking a few needed steps back.

Jungkook held unto Jin, rubbing his hands soothingly on his arm for what seemed like hours. No one said a word between them, but Jungkook could hear the scream in Jin's silence.

"My heart hurts," Jin mumbled against Jungkook's neck. He wasn't sobbing, but the tears still fell.

Jungkook nodded. "I know, baby. I'm sorry," he said, reaching towards Jin's torso, to massage his chest. He knew the pain Jin felt was more emotional than physical, but he kept working the heel of his palm against Jin's heart area. "Do you want me to take you home now, so you could be with your mum?"

It took almost a minute for his response to come and even another more to move when Jungkook heard the faint, "Yes, please."

The drive home was quiet. Namjoon insisted on coming with Jin after he heard what had happened but he was in so much pain and Jin just wanted for him to get better in a rather positive environment. And knowing Jimin was there to look after his best friend, he didn't feel bad leaving with Jungkook.

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