Ten: Gone

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By the next morning, I still hadn't heard anything from Jungkook and it sank me further into the ocean of worry

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By the next morning, I still hadn't heard anything from Jungkook and it sank me further into the ocean of worry.

Jungkook hadn't struck me as the type to run at the display of affection because when it came to displaying affection, he was a pro at it.

Two times, he'd offered to change my phone. He bought me a perfume worth hundreds of dollars. Every time I was at his place, he opened a bottle of wine which cost more than some people's rent. So, when it came to acts of romance, Jungkook knew all about them.

Which was why I still couldn't wrap my head around his silence. In fact, I hadn't heard from Jungkook since he'd dropped me off on Sunday night, when I'd drunk myself to stupor at his place. It made me wonder if his silence had nothing to do with my confession, at all.

Pushing aside my thoughts, I grabbed my phone and dialed his number. It was switched off. This heightened my anxiety level. I dialed his number 4 more times hoping it would magically come on and he'd pick up, but the result was the same: switched off.

I was already dressed for school, so I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs. Mum and Aunt Soohyun were in the Kitchen, talking. "Jin, I wanted to talk to you about something," Mum said as soon as I got to the door.

"Later, please," I said, not walking into the kitchen. I stood by the door, already eager to carry on. "I really have to go now."

Mum was still talking but I was already outside the door, racing to the bus stop. I wasn't sure why but I had a strong feeling that something was not right.

On my way to the bus stop, I found a taxi and hopped in. I was spending so much on cab fares but that was the least of my worries at the moment. I just wanted to make sure that Jungkook was okay, that his silence was intentional.

The cab driver couldn't get to his apartment fast enough. I turned out the window and stared out, praying deep down that Jungkook was fine.

After what seemed like an eternity, the cab stopped in front the familiar apartment complex that loomed twenty stories into the sky. It was the biggest building in this part of town; the filthy rich part of town.

I paid the fare, before making my way into the building. Cold breeze from the air conditioner wrapped around my body like a blanket. The receptionist motioned me over as I headed to the elevator.

"Mr. Jeon isn't around," She said to me, her smile soft and sweet. She reminded me of those female Kpop idols on TV with her bright skin and trendy outfit.

"Where did he go?"

She shook her head. "I'm not sure but he left on Sunday night."

"Did he seem okay?" I asked, unable to hide the worry lacing every word I spoke. I was certain the worry was evident on my face as well because she gave me an apologetic look.

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