Sixteen: Ugly

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"Thanks," Jin muttered, before climbing out of the passenger side

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"Thanks," Jin muttered, before climbing out of the passenger side. He shut the door behind him and made his way tiredly towards the one-storey building of his house.

Jungkook watched him fixedly like an Eagle, hands itching to open his own side, climb out and follow Jin. He wanted so badly to walk him to the door himself. More importantly, he wanted so badly to end whatever this tension that was hanging between them.

But Jin needed to calm down. He was already upset and trying to talk to him in that state might do more harm than good to both of them, so Jungkook sat in the driver side, watching Jin step into the safety of his home.

He wasn't sure what step he'd taken that had been wrong in Jin's eyes but Jin had been obviously mad at him. Jungkook wondered if it had anything to do with his inability to catch that bastard that had had the guts to show up at his place to carry out the nonsense he'd done.

Jin didn't have to worry his pretty head about being mad at him. Jungkook was already mad at himself for the both of them.

Hell! He'd been giving himself shit since the elevator had slammed shut with Cho in it, leaving him with the only option of using the stairs which had made the chase futile even before it had begun. His building was twenty stories high. Cho had definitely left the neighborhood before he'd stepped of the final steps.

"Do you just let anyone into the fucking building?!" He'd yelled at Sudo, the security guard at the door. He was supposed to call and inform any resident of guests and not let just anyone waltz straight to people's apartments.

"I'm sorry, Sir. I had to go to the toilet because—"

"I DON'T CARE!" He'd yelled, making the elderly man cower. The man was the first person he saw after his fruitless chase, so he got the worst attitude of Jungkook. "If you have to leave your goddamn post, at least, make sure someone else is there!"

The entire population of the lobby had their eyes on him. The staffs were shocked, they barely heard his voice. Jungkook was always the quiet one who spoke softly and politely to them, and smiled sweetly.

He was going to yell at Joy for not stopping the man because she was just as guilty but she already looked like she was a second away from fainting and he wasn't in the mood to worry himself with other people's health, so he'd gotten into the elevator where he'd screamed his frustration at the top of his voice.

He'd slacked a little and that had cost him a lot. Seeing Jin like that had hurt his heart to the extreme. It was never going to happen again. That bastard, Cho, was never getting close to Jin without Jungkook sniffing him out.

So, after Jin had gone in, he'd packed his car at the side of the road and reclined his chair a little, then he called Jimin.

"He got close to Jin," Jungkook said into the phone once the call had connected. "The idiot pepper sprayed Jin in front of my apartment today."

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