Thirty-Three: Jealous

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Saying I was terrified was an understatement

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Saying I was terrified was an understatement.

My heart thudded in my chest and my bound hands shook behind my back. My mouth was taped, so I couldn't shout or make a sound.

I couldn't understand why Jimin was doing this. Wasn't he Jungkook's friend? Why was he betraying his friend?

After Jimin had knocked my head open with his rock-hard knuckles, he'd taped my mouth and dragged me out of the house through the back emergency exit. I had tried to fight him off but Jimin was just as strong as he looked.

He'd shoved me into the backseat and as he backed away, I turned around and kicked him in the face with the sole of my shoe, earning a satisfactory broken nose. Jimin had been so mad, he'd almost strangled me before blindfolding me.

I wasn't sure how long the drove was but the car eventually stopped and I was pulled out.

Again I tried to struggle out of Jimin's grip but Jimin kept telling me to 'quit it'. Quit it?! I had been abducted by his boyfriend's 'friend' and was just supposed to quit it?

I had groaned and tried to make a sound from the back of my throat, loud enough to attract attention. Obviously, that hadn't worked.

"Don't fucking ruin this for me!" Jimin snapped at me, snatching the blindfold off, revealing a neat small bedroom.

I glared at Jimin who paced the room like his ass was on fire. If eyes could shoot laser, mine would have cut Jimin in paper-thin slices.

I wasn't sure why Jimin had brought me to a room. But my face felt sticky and my head hurt and I was afraid. I hoped Jungkook was fine. I wanted to ask Jimin if he'd hurt Jungkook but I was silenced by the tape.

Now, seeing Jungkook there in one piece, staring back at me in utter shock was a relief and a scare. I was relieved that he was alive, at least. But I was scared because Jungkook was also in danger.

There were muscular men in the room, all dressed in black like Jimin, holding guns.

"Jin," Jungkook called his gaze softening. He looked like he didn't believe I was standing there, like I was the last person he'd expected to see there.

Jungkook, what's going on? I wanted to ask but my words came out muffled. I was so frustrated and terrified of the situation that the tears I had been holding back rolled down my cheeks.

Jungkook started to walk over, but every gun in the room aimed at him, making him stop. "I'd tread carefully if I were you," The scary-looking thug, who I was certain was the King, sang.

Jungkook's fists clenched at his side, his jaw tightened. "It's me you want. Let him go," he said, his eyes not leaving mine. His gaze fell on at the gash on my forehead, at the blood that had dried to my face. His gaze darted quickly to Jimin, questioning, before falling back into mine. I looked back at him with confused, scared eyes. "Do what you want with me but leave him out of this."

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