Fourteen: Anything

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"Did you get my flowers?" Hoseok asked, standing on my porch in a black face mask and a hat

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"Did you get my flowers?" Hoseok asked, standing on my porch in a black face mask and a hat. It was chilly that evening, and I had answered the door wearing a cotton shirt. Goosebumps rose to the top of my skin, multiple shivers running down my spine.

I gave an apologetic look. "Yes. I'm sorry for not acknowledging it. Today was a bit... distracting. Thanks."

"No problem. Did you like them?" He asked, his voice calling a hopeful tint.

"They were nice," I answered. I wasn't comfortable standing out there and it didn't have anything to do with the person looking at me with hopeful eyes.

The event of that day was still fresh in my mind like an open wound. Every sound, every movement, even the pressure of the wind—made my eyes dart around, waiting to see the mysterious person who'd sent me the flowers.

I didn't even know whom it was—was it a man? Or a boy my age? Maybe someone a little older? I could have walked past this person on the street or even been in the same room with them. The mystery of who and why made me uneasy just standing outside my house.

"We haven't really spoken since the day I came over. I feel like you're mad at me," he said. "I want to make sure that things are fine between us before I leave."

"You're leaving again?"

"Yeah. But are we cool? I'd hate to lose you as a friend," he said. "I realize you don't feel the same way that I do and that's completely okay. But you're my friend and that means more to me than anything."

"We're cool, Hoseok," I said, honestly. A little relieved I didn't have to go through the torture of turning down his proposal. "When are you coming back?"

He shrugged, smiling. "Who knows? We have a lot scheduled this year, it'd be a miracle if I come back before Christmas."

"It's February," I reminded him.

"A big miracle," he reiterated. "About your dad, will you be okay?"

I didn't want to go into the conversation. The bouquet stuff was still weighing on me, and adding to it with my dad's sickness was just going to torture me further. I nodded. "I'll be fine."

"You'll call me, won't you? You'll text me too and reach out to me whenever you need a friend, I promise I'll make out time to chat with you."

"I will," I said.

Hoseok leaned in and hugged me, his hands patting my back. "Take care of yourself," he said before pulling away.

I stood on my porch, arms folded tightly around my body as Hoseok climbed into his car. He waved at me and as I waved back, I felt some kind of sorrow within me seeing him go.

I knew my feelings were channelled towards Jungkook now, but it didn't mean seeing him go didn't make my heart break a little.

After Hoseok had left, Aunt Soohyun came into my room to ask me about what had happened at school. She heard about the strange bouquets but no one had known about the note except Yoongi. And I couldn't tell her that I was possibly being stalked, so I told her it had been a prank by some silly students.

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