Seventeen: Target

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"Are you, like, a mafia?" I asked, shutting my door behind me

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"Are you, like, a mafia?" I asked, shutting my door behind me. Jungkook walked further into my room, eyes taking in everything they could possibly see. Aqua trailed behind us, wagging her tail at Jungkook like she'd known him her whole life.

I guess I wasn't the only one smitten by him.

But honestly, I felt slightly embarrassed at the poster of a sports car on my wall and the many academic trophies and medals on my shelf. My room was nothing like Jungkook's dark and matured one. Mine was very bright and very not mature.

"What'd you mean?" Jungkook asked, he was smiling now, fingers grazing the spines of the books on the middle shelf; The Harry Potter series, Lord of the Rings series, The Game of Thrones series and a bunch more. Books I was very obsessed with a few years ago.

I felt not looking at Jungkook would ease my embarrassment, so I turned to fix my bed, straightening the sheets, fluffing the pillows, just anything to not make me look at Jungkook who was desecrating every inch of the room with his hands and eyes.

Not desecrating but I felt exposed. Funnily, more exposed than I'd felt lying naked in his bed.

"I mean, you're more than certain you can take on the bad guys—bad guy. You asked me to leave it to you, that you'd handle it. Aren't you afraid he could hurt you, too?"

"I'd prefer he hurts me than you," Jungkook said, casually.

I swallowed, stopping my movements. "Well," I said in a hushed tone. "I don't want anything happening to you. I don't care if I get hurt anymore. The whole thing is terrifying but I'd be more at peace knowing my loved ones are left unscathed by this lunatic."

"He's not going to hurt your family or your friends," Jungkook assured.

I dropped the pillow in my hands on the bed, shaking my head. "At this point, I'm more concerned about you. My family members aren't the ones camping outside my house in the middle of the night. You're being reckless and I don't like it. There's a vindictive man on the loose and you pull this stunt as if your life means nothing to you."

Jungkook sighed. "It's not like that, Jin."

I spun to face him, feeling my blood pressure rise. "Then tell me, Jungkook, what's it like then? Are you in the force? What kind of bravery do you possess? What kind of backing do you have to do something so—"

"You mean the world to me," Jungkook blurted out.

The whole world must have stopped because nothing moved. I didn't notice anything around me anymore. My heart thumped in my throat, I felt a choke hold me tight.

Jungkook shrugged, like his confession had been the most casual thing in the world. "The reason I intended to camp outside your house tonight is because if anything happened to you, that means it's over for me. I can't bear the thought of what happened today repeating itself. So, it doesn't matter if anything happens to me, as long as it's not you, then I'm fine with it."

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