Seven: Throuple

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"I can't accept this," I said, regrettably, taking a step away from the counter

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"I can't accept this," I said, regrettably, taking a step away from the counter.

Jungkook's brows pinched, a confused expression morphing his gorgeous face. "Why not? You don't like the smell?" he asked.

"I do. But it's really expensive and I won't let you spend that much on me. It's not even my birthday," I protested adamantly.

He laughed, taking my hand and pulling me back to my previous position next to him, our sides pressed together. "Don't think of the price of anything when you're with me." He nodded at the lady behind the counter to ring it up. "When is your birthday, anyway?"

"Why? Namjoon didn't tell you that one?"

He turned to give me a worried look. "You said you weren't pissed about that."

I smiled, nudging my shoulder against him. "I'm just teasing you." I didn't want him to entertain the thought that I was mad at him. "I'm not pissed."

"So, when is your birthday?"

"December 4th," I answered as the lady handed Jungkook back his black card, and handed me the bag of designer perfume he'd just bought me. It was a Penhaligon woodsy perfume. Jungkook had picked it up while we surfed the store, then he'd walked over to me and whispered how he'd love to smell it on my naked body, before spritzing it on my neck.

His words had sent instant warmth to the pit of my stomach.

"Mine's in September," he said and that was probably the first piece of actual information I was learning about him besides his age. "First of September."

"Will you let me take you out for it?" I asked, before completely processing the question myself. I was really making plans for his birthday that was in seven months.

His eyes fell on mine, piercingly, looking through me. At first, I thought my question had annoyed him but the look he gave me wasn't one of anger. "Yes," he breathed out.

My heart throbbed in my throat, and I couldn't move or breathe or look away from his penetrating gaze. My question must have triggered something in him because Jungkook was pulling me towards a backdoor in the store, down a hall and into a one stall bathroom.

He shut the door, pushed me against the door and was on my lips with so much vigor, I could barely breathe. He body pressed tightly against mine as he hungrily ravished my mouth, moans of want and desire leaving both his and my mouth.

"Someone might hear us," I managed to say against his crazed lips. I didn't want him to stop, but a part of me was conscious of where we were.

"Let them," he said, pressing his lips hard against mine.

The bag fell from my shaky hand to the floor and my fingers dove into his hair, fingering, massaging his scalp as his tongue invaded my mouth, moving with reckless abandon until I felt fireworks go off in my head.

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