Twenty: Dew

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"I thought we were going to the pet shop first?" Jin asked when Namjoon turned onto the road to his school

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"I thought we were going to the pet shop first?" Jin asked when Namjoon turned onto the road to his school.

"I'll just drop you off first. I don't want you to be late," he said, eyes glued to the road, afraid that if he looked towards Jin he would see that Namjoon was up to something.

And Namjoon didn't want to involve Jin in more than he already was. Really, this was his fucking battle to fight. Mr. Cho was his to handle and wasn't going to let someone else get hurt because of him.

Moments later, he was dropping Jin off and zooming off to a place he'd hoped he would never have to return to. The goat had gone quiet and was now resting in the backseat, enjoying the soft leather cushion and air conditioning.

After all she'd been through, she deserved to lay back and chill a little, Namjoon thought. Giving it one last look before stepping out of the car.

He'd parked a few buildings away from the God-awful place he was headed. It was a sore sight on the outside just as it was on the inside. He cringed at the disgusting decorations on the wall as he turned into the alley leading to the front gate, which included decade old gums stuck to the wall, pee stains, ugly graffitis, smears of dried blood, cuss words and he was certain there were cum stains on there, too.

If anyone had any part of their body touching the wall, they were better of scraping off their skin or they'd find themselves combatting strange diseases days after. It was that horrible.

Namjoon made sure to keep his hands plastered to his side as he pushed through the metal door and headed up the dark and dewy narrow staircase. The entire floor was lined with plastic bags, cans of beer, packs of cigarettes and used condoms.

He really was never supposed to have returned. But Dew was here. He'd been here the first time he and Namjoon had met about 2 years ago. He was still here when Namjoon called after Jin had stepped out to talk to Jungkook on the phone.

Even though it was still morning, the club was filled with strippers sliding up and around poles or giving lap dances to drunk and handsy men. The light changed constantly; red, blue, green and all over again. But he spotted Dew easily.

He was by the bar, yelling at the bartender who was covered in tattoos and a million piercings all over his hardened face. "—now that's going to cost us millions of won! Do you not have a single braincell in your fucking head?!"

"I'm sorry, man. He had armed guards with him. I didn't want to—"

"I don't care if he had demon slayers sitting on his shoulders. I need my money! Get me my money or I'll get it out of you another way," he threatened.

Namjoon almost turned around and walked out of the place. He wasn't caught up for any of this, especially with the angry man. But Dew found him and his expression flipped like a switch.

A huge smile appeared on his face and anyone who saw him in that moment would fall instantly in love with his handsome features never believing he could ever hurt a fly. But Namjoon knew better, Dew was a dangerous man.

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