Thirty-Five: Break

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It had been a week since the King incident and I was yet to feel sane again. I barely left my room, only stepping out to use the bathroom. Namjoon would bring my food up and take it back down untouched or a few spoons less. He would feed and walk Aqua. He would check up on my mum and keep her company.

I was too weighed down by my own hurt to pay attention to anything else. Everyone attributed my current mood to my father's death, but while that had been painful for me, it wasn't the reason I woke up feeling like my heart had been ripped from my chest.

Jungkook's involvement with King had devastated me. I had known Jungkook's past wasn't rosey. I knew Jungkook's past was messed up. But Jungkook had been dealing with a serial murderer, a drug lord, a mafia king, a kidnapper and a fucking groomer!

After everything I had gone through with my dad and Mr. Cho, my life had supposed to take a break from drama. It had supposed to get better, but instead, I'd faced death and watched the love of my life almost get killed by someone he used to be romantically involved with.

Although, I knew Jungkook hadn't planned for things to turn out the way they did, I was still mad at him. I was mad that I almost lost him. I was mad that his past had been so bad that it had come to the future to almost destroy us. More than anything I was mad that he told me he loved me at a point when I couldn't be happy about it.

But even at that, I loved him so much. I loved Jungkook so much that it hurt to be away from him. It hurt to see his calls and to ignore them. It hurt to read his text messages and scroll past without responding. It hurt more than hell and was suffocating to see him outside my school gate and ignoring his presence.

I'd just come back to school after the one week break they had given me because of my dad's passing. I'd barely been able to concentrate. Words went in through one ear and flew out the other. Nothing registered to memory. I was literally a walking mannequin.

Friends, classmates and schoolmates came to offer their condolences and all I could do was nod mechanically at them. My dad had just died but my thoughts had been filled with Jungkook. Of how much I missed him, how much it hurt to miss him, how much I was mad at him and how much I didn't want to be mad at him.

When school closed and I stepped through the gate, there he was at the usual spot, right across the street, in a sweater, sweatpants and slides. He had on black sunglasses, which he took off as soon as I caught sight of him.

My heart hurt to see him that way. His eyes were bloodshot red and pleading. I wanted to collapse on the floor and cry my heart out because of how hurt and heart broken he looked. All I could do was stand in front of the gate staring at him, urging myself not to cry as he beckoned on me with his eyes.

"Jin," Taehyung called, his hand gently touching my shoulder. "I think you should talk to him," he said. I wasn't sure if he knew the details surrounding why I was keeping my distance from Jungkook.

Yoongi knew about it. He and Namjoon had been at my place the day of the incident. He'd slept over in an attempt to comfort me because I'd been a complete mess. He might have told Taehyung.

"If you're not ready, don't," Yoongi said.

"Babe, they're both in pain. They need to talk," Taehyung informed Yoongi. I was still looking at Jungkook. I felt on the verge of a panic attack, standing so close to him and not being able to hold him.

"I agree, but he shouldn't put himself in a situation he's not ready to be in," Yoongi argued. "I don't want him more hurt than he already is. Jin," He called. "Do you want to talk to him?"

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