Two: Surprise

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Last night, Namjoon slept over

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Last night, Namjoon slept over. I didn't though. Because he was a loud snorer. At one point, I was standing over him with a sock, threatened to shove it down his throat. And what was worse is that I was a light sleeper. Every loud snort he made in his sleep had my eyes snapping open. So, that was annoying.

I think the only times I ever truly hated Namjoon were at nights. I mean, I couldn't recall how many nights I stayed up promising to end our friendship by the next morning because of how irritating his snoring was. It was painful.

Plus, Namjoon denied it. Ever since I knew him, he had never once admitted or accepted the fact that he snored in his sleep. But despite how it pissed me off to hear and watch him dramatically defend himself, I knew it wasn't entirely his fault. He didn't know he snored. It was his only saving Grace.

I managed to finally fully fall asleep at 4am when his snoring had gone down so, when I woke up that morning, I was still feeling exhausted and drained. I frowned when I found him sat on my reading desk, eating cereal and watching me.

"And you accuse me of snoring," He said to me with a smile, shaking his disheveled hair.

"You do," I said matter of factly in a groggy voice. I rubbed my eyes, yawning tiredly.

"So do you," he accused, shrugging my shoulders.

"Me? You're a liar." I shuffled out of bed and stretched on my toes. "Where's Aqua?"

"Your loud snoring made her leave," he said with a mouth full, splattering milk all over my rug.

"Dude," I groaned, watching the white dots disappear into my dark blue rug.

Namjoon was watching the floor, too. He only dragged his socked feet over the stains in a useless attempt to wipe it off. "Sorry. I'll wash your room for you."

"You will wash my room?" I scoffed.

"Someday," he said. "Probably never."

I shook my head. He was just unbelievable. I left my room, fixing the band of my pajamas bottom. Namjoon followed behind.

"Do you have to go to school today?" Namjoon asked as I bounded the stairs.

"Do you have to ask me that question every day of my life?" I retorted.

"Please, don't go to school. We can stay back and play games all day long," he whined childishly.

"And waste a whole day of learning new things?"

"Dude, there's probably nothing even new to you anymore. What else do you need to know?"

"How to make enough money to make all the bad guys disappear," I teased.

"You can do that with 500 bucks. I know a guy."

I rolled my eyes at Namjoon's suggestion. "You're making so many bad friends."

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